G.Valet, Nov.26,1996
Dear colleagues,
thank you for the immediate start of the discussion. Please, hold it for a moment until the mail list server will be available. We all will then have the same mailing list and there will be no problems with variable E-mail address lists.
There have been two errors in the mail addresses for Prof.Kawiak, Poland and for Dr.Larsen, Denmark. Prof.Kawiak has provided a new address (see: http://www.biochem.mpg.de/valet/efcsadr1.html). Dr.Larsen is working on the refunctionalisation of his E-mail address.
Concerning Dr.Danielsen's comments, I believe the issues of EFCS foundation and ESACP organisation should be treated at present separately. If there will be a strong feeling for the formation of a federation or union of cytometric societies as well as a strong feeling of ESACP members to remain a separate entity of such an intersociety association, I am convinced that an entity can be built which will suit most of the needs.
From the emergence of a federation or union of societies out of ESACP until the adherence of ESACP to a new association of societies, various organizational models are conceivable.
The discussion should therefore focus at the present primarily on the issue whether the foundation of an association of cytometric societies in Europe based on the thoughts in http://www.biochem.mpg.de/valet/efcsrat1.html and on additional thoughts which may come up during the discussion seems promising and useful.
With best regards