O.L.Laerum, Nov.28, 1996
Dear Günther,
Thank you for your fax of October 9, concerning foundation of EFCS at the coming congress in Oslo in May 1997. I have read carefully your letter and the draft, and feel that this would be a good step forwards. I think that a federation would give a better organisation of cytometry in Europe than the present European organisation. However, I agree that one still should have the possibility for individual membership in the new organisation, since so far not all countries have their own national cytometry society. For example this applies to Norway.
I also think it would be wise for the new European organisation to have an affiliation to ISAC, since this is also the case with other regional cytometry organisations.
I apologize for being late with my reply, which was due to my sabbatical year where I am working abroad.
With the best regards,
Ole Didrik Laerum