The intention of this forum was to discuss the pro and con's of the foundation of a European Federation or Union of national cytometric societies (tentative abbreviations: EFCS, EUCS or EUNCS) as a regionally active association of scientific societies.
Representatives of eight of the national societies, following discussions with their membership, have decided by Jan.31, 1997 to form a foundation council. This council will be constituted by officially nominated representatives of the societies in order to enter into negotiations on the details of the formation of such a federation or union.
After this conclusion, the present discussion forum was officially closed on Feb.3, 1997
Cytometry societies or cytometry sections of other societies e.g. from the eastern countries of Europe which have so far not participated in the discussion as well as scientists from countries without formally organized cytometry society e.g. Austria, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden o.a. are welcome to contact Jean-Luc D'Hautcourt as acting chairman of the foundation council for further information.