Network browsers like Netscape 2.x or 3.x versions use plugins for the execution of specific functions like audio or video replay,on-line radio/TV or on-line telephone/video communication.
Plugins are software drivers converting various audio or image formats into browser compatible formats. Plugins are different for different network browsers, Windows versions and computer platforms like PC or MacIntosh.
Start audio message by double left or single right mouse
click on sound icon,
or download plugin by a left mouse click on the green double cross icon !
Notebook computers are sometimes equipped with a multimedia card and an internal microphone. Audio documents in PC's are frequently recorded in: .WAV format.
Audio plugins are standard features in the
Netscape Gold 3.0
32 bit browser.
|embed src="explan1.wav" noerr="true">
| = < in real .htm files
Captured video sequences are stored e.g. as .AVI files (audio+video). The audio tracks in .AVI files may be either original or they can be patched/superimposed e.g. with .WAV audio files.
AVI files on the Internet contain usually compressed video information. Intel Codec compressed video .AVI files are readily accepted by Netscape plugins while others e.g. Aura compressed .AVI files required special plugins.
MPEG (for Windows95/NT) compressed .MPG files represent another useful video standard.
On-line video is available from VDO-net (Windows95/NT).
Video (.AVI, Apple Quicktime) and audio plugins are standard features in the
Netscape Gold 3.0
32 bit browser.
|embed src="vidpart1.avi" width="240" height="180" noerr="true">
| = < in real .htm files