Types of Papers: (I) Research Articles of original research in all fields mentioned in Aims and Scope (max. 10 printed pages or 20 double spaced typewritten (ms) pages). (2) Review Articles on specialized topics within the scope of the journal. (3) Brief Reports, i.e. short articles on preliminary findings of immediate importance, or case reports of special relevance, will be published in the next available issue (max. 2 pp. or 4-5 ms pages). (4) Technical Notes which describe modifications or additions to pertinent techniques (max. 2 pp. or 4-5 ms pages). (5) Letters to the Editor which should be clear and concise, be of general or scientific interest or comment on a previously published paper.
Submission of Manuscripts: The preferred medium of submission is on disk with accompanying manuscript (see 'Electronic Manuscripts' below). Manuscripts are welcome from all countries but must be in English. Authors are not required to be members of the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology. A manuscript may only be submitted if it has been approved by all of the authors. Articles should report original research not previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscript will be peer reviewed and the decision of the Editor as advised by reviewers is final. Unless manuscripts are resubmitted, in revised form, within 3 months they will be considered as new submissions. Submission of a manuscript to the Journal gives the publisher the right to publish that paper if it is accepted. The manuscripts (in triplicate) should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor or Co-Editor according to the author's geographic location. They must be typed with double spacing (including References, Tables and Figure legends) and on one side of the page only. Authors must include a letter giving the title, the name(s) of the author(s), and a brief description of the major points of the paper. Authors should give a list of persons outside their institutions whom they feel would be qualified to review their paper, when this is possible. Authors can also request that their paper be transmitted to specific members of the editorial board.
Electronie Manuscrips: Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. The preferred storage medium is a 5.25 or 3.5 inch disk in MS-DOS format, although other systems are welcome, e.g., Macintosh (in this case, save your file in the usual manner, do not use the option 'save in MS-DOS format'). Your disk and (exactly matching) printed version (printout, hardcopy) should be submitted together to the accepting editor. In case of revision, the same procedure should be followed such that, on acceptance of the article, the file on disk and the printout are identical. Please specify the type of computer and word-processing package used (do not convert your textfile to plain ASCII). Ensure that the letter 'I' and digit ' I ' (also letter 'O' and digit '0') have been used properly, and format your article (tabs, indents, etc.) consistently. Characters not available on your word processor (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) should not be left open but indicated by a unique code (e.g. gralpha, @, #, etc., for the Greek letter alpha). Such codes should be used consistently throughout the entire text. Please make a list of such codes and provide a key. Do not allow your word processor to introduce word splits and do not use a 'justified' layout. Please adhere strictly to the general instructions on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of the journal. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.
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