Reference Books in Clinical Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry: Principles for Clinical Laboratory Practice
Marilyn A. Owens
Michael R. Loken
Wiley-Liss, New York, 1995
9 Chapters, 224 Pages, Indexed
ISBN 0-471-02176-8 [Paperback]
Short Summary
This book presents 9 chapters and 220 pages of
information related to the quality control aspect of flow
cytometry. In particular, this book addresses the topic from
the perspective of the clinical laboratory. A valuable
aspect is that each chapter has around 20 tutorial questions
that the reader should be able to answer based upon the
chapter content.
After a general introduction to flow cytometry the book
discusses in some detail several aspects of flow cytometry
related to blood cell analysis. These include light scatter,
compensation, fluorescence probes, and signal amplification
all in relation to immunophenotyping. Specific examples are
always provided using commonly used monoclonal antibodies
you would expect to use in the clinical laboratory.
Two areas are used in detail for examples: HIV
immunophenotyping, and peripheral blood stem cell
quantitation. Safety precautions are stressed and reference
is made regularly to appropriate regulatory agencies. The
chapter should be standard reading for all laboratory
personnel regardless of whether they are "clinical" or not!
A refreshing aspect of this book is that it deals with
the science and the technology without mentioning specific
companies or products. The book is useful for all flow
cytometry labs regardless of the clinical content of their
facility. Perhaps this should be mandatory reading for all
technicians, graduate students and postdocs before they are
allowed into the lab!
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For more information contact J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D., Director PUCL,
1515 Hansen B050, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517