Reference Books in Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry and Sorting
Myron R. Melamed
Tore Lindmo
Mortimer L. Mendelsohn
Wiley-Liss, New York, 1994
ISBN 0-471-56235-1
39 Chapters, 820 Pages, Indexed
Short Summary
This text is perhaps the best known comprehensive document available
in flow cytometry. In its 2nd edition, (the first edition was published in 1979)
it simply is regarded as
the bible of flow cytometry. This 800 page plus book is
truly a comprehensive text and is a great starting and often
finishing place for information about flow cytometry. Just
about every area is dealt with and the range of authors is
impressive. It is one of the few texts that has detailed
information about sorting (as suggested in the title) and
the particular areas where sorting provides unique
advantages to flow cytometry.
The text is divided into 8 parts, each with several chapters. These are:
Cytophysical Methods
Cell Preparation
Cytochemical Methods
Analysis of Measurements
Cell Biology
Hematology and Immunology
Applications in Oncology
I suspect that there will never be as comprehensive a book as this one again. Not having this
volume on your shelf is analagous to having a CD player, but no CDs!
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For more information contact J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D., Director PUCL,
1515 Hansen B050, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517