Reference Books in Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry: Instrumentation and Data Analysis
Marvin A.Van Dilla
Phillip N. Dean
Ole D. Laerum
Myron R. Melamed
Analytical Cytology Series, Academic Press
San Diego, USA, 1985
ISBN 0-12-712150-1
8 Chapters, 280 Pages, Indexed
Short Summary
One of the earliest books to deal with instrumentation and data analysis, this volume
provides and excellent overview of the technology of flow cytometry. Despite being
published in 1985, the nature of the content ensures that the book remains valuable. While
there have been many changes, particulary in the area of computing, the basics are the same.
Some chapters are in great detail, far greater than most subsequent books in the area.
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1515 Hansen B050, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517