ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization

Department of Cytochemistry and Cytometry
University of Leiden
Wassenaarseweg 72

Laboratory Profile

Director: Hans J. Tanke, Ph.D.

1.Facilities available: Well equipped chemistry laboratories for probe labeling and staining of cells and chromosomes. Facilities for cell culture, routine fluorescence microscopy, digital imaging microscopy, image analysis, atomic force microscopy, co nfocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM).

2. Instrumentation: All instrumentation needed for this course is available, including CCD microscopes for multicolor FISH analysis, various types of image analysers, CSLM.

3. Specialization areas: Not described.

4. Training Opportunities: Basics of FISH technology; Preparation and labeling (chemical and enzymatic) of probes (YACs and cosmids); Preparation of cells and chromosomes for FISH, Multicolor interphase cytogenetics; Comparative genomic hybridization; C hromosome painting; Fluorescence microscopy for FISH, Image analysis of FISH (dot counting, translocation scoring, halo mapping, CGH).

5. Special courses offered: Courses are organised anually, mostly in September. The responsible organization is "Boerhave Committee for Post-doctoral Education". It is expected that from 1995 the course will run as "EMBO Course" (organiser: Dr. A.K. R aap).

6. Graduate Program: None.

7. Local Accomodations: Hotel "De Ceder" (300 in from laboratory), 45 $ per night. International Center (when space available), 100 $ per week.

8. Transportation: Amsterdam International Airport (Schiphol) is at 20 miles, 15 min by regular train service - 4 times per hour.

9. Cost of Internships: Approximately 1300 $ - including all reagents, use of microscope equipment, 5 lunches and one course dinner. Accomodation and other meals are not included.

10. Communication:

Hans J. Tanke, Ph.D.
Professor of Analytic Cytology
Department of Cytochemistry and Cytometry
University of Leiden
Wassenaarseweg 72

Phone: (31) 71 27 6196
FAX: (31) 71 27 6180
E-mail: tanke@rullf2,leiden,

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web, EMAIL