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Cell Biochemistry Studies
Laboratorio de Citometria de Flujo - Centro de Citometria Coulter y Tecnicas Afines
Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valencia
Avda. Blasco Ibanez, 17. 46010 Valencia, SPAIN
Laboratory Profile
Director: Jose-Enrique O'Connor, Ph.D.
1.Facilities available: 50 m 2 lab containing flow cytometry and microscopy instrumentation, preparation equipment and computers. The rest of the Department provides instrumentation labs, animal room, tissue culture facility and equipment for biochemist ry and molecular biology. Office space for visitors and lecture room are available.
2. Instrumentation:
Flow cytometry: Coulter EPICS Elite Cell Sorte (with three air-cooled lasers - 488 nm Argon ion, UV HeCd, 635 nm He-Ne - and 5 PMTS); EPICS XL-MCL (with an air-cooled Argon ion laser - 488nm - and 5 PMTs plus Automatic Multisample Loader); EPICS Profile I Flow Cytometer upgraded with Power Pack. (15 mW, air-cooled 488 nm Argon-ion laser).
Other major items: Leitz Laborlux fluorescence photomicroscope; Coulter Q-Prep, Multi Q-Prep and DNAPre) automated sample preparation systems; large range of fluorescent probes. Shared-time availability of Millipore Cytofluor microtiter-plate fluorescenc e reader and Zeiss Scanning Cytophotometer (Department of Pharmacology)
Computers & Facilities: Three PC systems operating with flow cytometric analytical software: Coulter EPICS Elite Workstation, EPICS Elite Stand-alone, EPICS XL Software, EPICS Cytology and Phoenix MultiCycle; non-cytometric software for statistical analys is, data presentation, word processing and graphics on Windows and MS-DOS; free access to CD-ROM based MedLine searchs; Electronic mail on Internet.
3. Specialization areas: Analysis of cell metabolism by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, Mitochondrial function in whole cells and in isolated mitochondria; Detection of cytotoxicity and cell death; Apoptosis; Kinetic assays of fluorochrome up take; Leukocyte metabolism; Lymphocyte immunophenotyping; Functional analysis of plant protoplasts; DNA analysis in fresh and paraffin-embedded human tissues.
4. Training Opportunities: Isolation, preparation, handling and usage of human blood cells; Manipulation of tissue cultures; Functional analysis of fresh cells by flow cytometry; Functional analysis in subcellular organelles by flow cytometry; Preparatio n of fresh and paraffin-embedded tissues for DNA analysis by flow cytometry; Induction and analysis of apoptosis in rat hepatoma cells; Leukocyte immunophenotyping; Leukocyte metabolism;.
5. Special courses offered: EPICS Elite (40 hrs) and Profile (25 hrs) usage; Theory and Practice of Cell Sorting (20 hrs); Post-graduate course on Clinical applications of Flow Cytometry (40 hrs); Post-graduate course on Molecular Biology Techniques for Diagnostics (40 hrs); Post-Graduate Course on "Cytometric Analysis of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis" (40 hrs). The laboratory also participates in the Annual Course on Tissue Culture Techniques of the Instituto de Investigaciones Citologicas (Institute for Cell Research) of Valencia.
6. Graduate Program: Two courses included in two graduate programs accesible to Ph.D. students of Spanish universities: "Metabolic Applications of Flow Cytometry" (2 credits, theory and practice; Graduate Program on Clinical Biochemistry, University of V alencia); "Applications of Flow Cytometry to Immunology" (2 credits, theory and practice; Graduate Program on Immunology, University of Valencia). It is also possible to accept Erasmus students for longer terms. The laboratory offers the possibility of f ulltime or partial-time research work for PhD students.
7.Local Accomodations: The laboratory is located in the University area with several student accomodations that can house invited professors/scientist at reduced fees (about 20$/day including breakfast) and a hotel at a walking distance (B&B for about 3 5$/day). Many convenient hotels and boarding houses (20-40$ and over/day) located in the city center at bus distance (10-15 min).
8. Transportation: Valencia has an international airport (VLC) with daily or almost daily connections to Paris, London, Milan, Rome, Zurich and Frankfurt, and several daily domestic flights to Madrid, Barcelona and other Spanish capitals. Main railroad connections to Barcelona and Madrid allow convenient train schedules from Portugal, France and Italy. Multiple bus services run daily to and from Madrid and Barcelona.
9. Cost of Internships: Depending on the application required. The fees will cover strictly the reagents and material utilized, as well as the estimated cost of instrument time.
Prof. Dr. Jose Enrique O'Connor
Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular
Facultad de Medicina
Avda. Blasco lbanez, 17
46010 Valencia, SPAIN
Phone: (34) 6 386 4186 4187
FAX: (34) 6 386 -4173 and -4186
E-mail: oconnor@uv.es
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu, EMAIL cdrom3@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu