ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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Unitat d'Immunologia
Ciutat Sanitaria i Universitaria Vall d'Hebron
Passeig Valld'Hebron, 119-129
08035 Barcelona, SPAIN

Laboratory Profile


Teresa Espanol, MD, PhD

1.Facilities available: Genral biology lab, tissue culture facilities, office space for visitors.

2. Instrumentation:

Flow Cytometry: Becton Dickinson FACStar PLUS single-laser cell sorter with 100 mW air-cooled argon-ion laser, to be replaced in brief by a new flow cytometr. FACScan with 15 mW, air-cooled 488 nm argon-ion laser.

Other major items: Olympus Vanox Fluorescence photomicroscope, ELISA plate reader.

Computers and Analytical: Flow cytometry data analysis systems available are Becton Dickinson Consort 30, Autocomp, LYSYS II, CellFit, CHRONYS, SimulSet. Non-cytometry systems include Maclntosh LCIII and Maclntosh SE computers and programs for data base, text processing, statistics and graphics (Write II, FilemakerII, CA-CricketGraph III, Statswork, Clariswork, Excel).

3. Specialization areas: Diagnosis of primary and secondary immunodeficiences. Immunophenotyping, Study of lymphocyte function (NK cytotoxicity flow assay). Granulocyte function (oxidation using DHR123). We have also some experience in DNA-content ana lysis in solid tumors (breast and liver).

4. Training Opportunities: Human blood PBL isolation and handling for cell culture and functional studies: response to antigens, mitogens and cytokine production; Imunophenotyping of human blood leukocytes; Use of different monoclonal antibodies to study activation and differentiation; Adehesion moleculaes and cell receptors required for diagnosis and monitorization of primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

5. Special courses offered: Post graduate courses in Immunology; FACScan instrument usage, Cell function studies; Immunophenotyping; Flow cytometry data analysis.

6. Graduate Program: Our institution is a university hospital, but currently there are no related courses of cytometry.

7. Local Accomodations: Hotels and boarding houses in Barcelona with a wide range of prices.

8. Transportation: Local airport is Barcelona International Airport (BCN) with daily connections with major european airports. Train shuttles from/to airport and Central Railway Station (Sants). Barcelona is directly connected by EuroCity to Paris, Gen eva and Milan. The hospital can be reached by bus and underground.

9. Cost of Internships: Not indicated.

10.Communication :

Isabel Caragol, MD, PhD
Unitat d'Immunologia
C.S. i Universitaria Vail d'Hebron
P. Vall d'Hebron, 119-129
08035 Barcelona, SPAIN

Phone: FAX: E-mail:

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web, EMAIL