ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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Centro de Histocompatibilidade do Sul
Campo Santana, 130
1100 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Laboratory Profile

Director: Dr. Helder Trindade

1.Facilities available: 50 m 2 laboratory equipped with basic instrumentation, cell culture facility, computer facilities.

2. Instrumentation:

Flow Cytometry: Becton Dickinson FACScan.

3. Specialization areas: a) Application of flow cytometry to Transplantation: Crossmatch, study of allosensitization, monitorization of rejection crises through immanophenotyping. b) Immunophenotyping of leukemias. c) DNA quantitation and cell cycle. d) Studies on oxidation and phagocytosis in neutrophils.

4. Training Opportunities: The flow cytometry laboratory is integrated in the histocompatibility laboratory and is provided with the technology supporting tissue and organ transplantation.

5. Special Courses Offered: None.

6. Graduate Program: None.

7.Local Accomodations: Several Hotels and Residentials near the University, for 40$ to 80$ per night.

8. Transportation: Local airport is Lisbon International Airport. Direct public transportation to the laboratory.

9. Cost of Internships: Not indicated.

10. Communication:

Dr. Helder Trindade
Consultor de Imuno-Hemoterdpia
Asistente Imunologia
Centro de Histocompatibilidade do Sul
Campo Santana, 130
1100 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Phone: (351)1 885 00 86
FAX: (351) 1 885 01 18

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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If you have suggestions or comments related to the STEP Program in general, problems with this particular page, or you want to know how to be a STEP program lab, send me an email message now

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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web, EMAIL