ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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Male Germ Cell Studies

Analytical Cytology Facility
Division of Environmental Toxicology
Department of Environment
ENEA CRE Casaccia
00060 Roma, ITALIA

Laboratory Profile

Director: Dr. Marcello Spano

1.Facilities available: 150 m 2 facility containing instrumentation lab, general biology lab, computer facilities, tissue culture facility, office space for visiting scientists. Animal rooms are in a separate space.

2. Instrumentation:

Flow cytometry: Becton Dickinson FACStar flow cytometer / sorter with Spectraphysics 2W argon laser; Partec Pas III flow cytometer. Also available BD FACStar PLUS dual laser (5W Ar/UV + 2W Ar/Vis) flow cytometer.

Other major items: Fluorescent microscope with a large variety of optical filters (double and triple-bandpass included); BioRad MRC 600 confocal microscope with air cooled argon laser.

Computers and Analytical: Standard software on the flow cytometer dedicated computers; LYSIS II also available; Original softwares for DNA content analysis and general flow cytometry data management/analysis running on our IBM-PC based (DOS and OS2) workst ation; Phoenix MultiCycle and Listview. Non cytometry softwares for statistical analysis, graphics and word processing on IBM and Maclntosh.

3. Specialization areas: DNA content/structure analysis on testis cells and sperm (human / mouse). Physiological studies (viability, mitochondrial activity and mass). Specialty usage of several DNA specific fluorescent probes. Our lab has extensive ex perience in cell kinetic studies; flow cytometric immunophenotyping applied to mouse immunology studies; FISH techniques for genetic toxicology applications.

4. Training Opportunities: Isolation, preparation, handling and usage of mouse and human germ cells. Several monoclonal antibodies available for training purposes in immunophenotyping.

5. Special courses offered: FACStar and Partec instrument usage; DNA staining and analysis; immunophenotyping; Facilities available for training on several computer analysis packages.

6.Graduate Program: Program for doctoral thesis offered to university students in several areas using cytometric techniques related to studies in genetic toxicology.

7.Local Accomodations: Several economic hotels are available in Anguillara ( 5 km from the research center), a small town on the volcanic lake of Bracciano, a beautiful holiday resort. Many others, but generally more expensive (about 70 $) are located in Rome near the ENEA headquarters.

8. Transportation: ENEA CRE Casaccia is the largest multidisciptinar technological center in Italy, It is located 25 km north-west from the Rome center. Company shuttles are available free of charge from/to ENEA headquarters downtown and, in the mornin g and in the afternoon, company bus lines commute employees from/to the research center with many urban areas. Public bus lines (Rome-Bracciano/Angullara) and trains (Cesano-Rome) are also available (about 3$). Closest major airport is Rome Fiumicino ( F CO),

9. Cost of Internships: Depends upon what studies are required. A base rate of 500 $ per week will cover most laboratory costs including basic reagents and up to 10 hours of flow cytometry instrument time, The best time for internship is during late spr ing-early summer, always by arrangement.

10. Communication:

Dr. Marcello Spano
Director, Division of Environmental Toxicology
ENEA CRE Casaccia
00060 Roma, ITALIA

Phone: (39) 6 3048 4737
FAX: (39) 6 3048 6559

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web, EMAIL