These programs and source code files were provided by Tom Bakker Schut in November, 1993 (AUTOKLUS) and January, 1995 (ANALYSE). AUTOKLUS is a cluster analysis program and is published in Cytometry (Cytometry 14:649-659, 1993). This version of AUTOKLUS was improved over the published version, and includes a text manual KLUSMAN.TXT. AUTOKLUS now reads the enclosed Coulter files (which were provided courtesy Geoff Osborne, ANU, Canberra, Australia), and a few new options were added. Richard A. Cox has made further improvements to AUTOKLUS not included in the present version. He is working on a Windows version. Contact him at The program ANALYSE is a general purpose listmode analysis program. The published reference is "ANALYSIS: Software for graphical analysis of flow cytometric list mode data", T.C. Bakker Schut, R.M.P. Doornbos and B.G. de Grooth. Computers and Biomedical Research 27:83-96 (1994). The Pascal souce code is included for both programs. However, the pascal files alone can not be compiled and linked into a working program because they make use of units of a commercial software package, called `Turbo 5.0 Professional'(TurboPower Software, Colorado Springs, CO, USA). For further information, contact Dr. Schut c/o Dr. Richard Doornbos at