RE: A clean machine -Reply

Thomas Delohery (
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 12:02:24 +0530

Seems like we're the only ones that use detergent. We fill the tubing
with a 60cc syringe with 1:100 7X detergent in millipore H2O and let it
sit for an hour or two. This is followed by a millipore H2O rinse, then
60cc of 70% EtOH to help flush the detergent, followed by half a liter of
PBS. The 7X and EtOH is filtered with a 0.45 micron syringe filter.
Detergent is never used in the sheath tank or filter housing. We do this
about once per month and it works beautifully.

The only time I use bleach is if there's a known contaminant and we haven't
had one of those in many years. Bleach does some pretty horrible things to
the tubing not to mention your nozzle tip.

good luck,

 Thomas Delohery                        | Internet:
 Manager, Flow Cytometry Core Facility  |    Phone: (212) 639-8729
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |      Fax: (212) 794-4019
 1275 York Ave. Box 98                  |
 New York, NY    10021                  |

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