XL absolute counts

Erin Longdo (erin@soflo.net)
Sun, 02 Mar 1997 10:30:28 -0500

Hello all.

This is in esponse to Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron's comments regarding
absolute counts on the XL. Gerhard stated that the Coulter XL System II
software cuts off too early on stop volume of 100 microliters. There
are two ways to work around this if you want to use the 100 setting.
The first is to create the protocols in System 1.5 software if you have
access to it. In System 1.5 the 100 microliter stop volume has an
associated stop time of 600 seconds. (It's 300 sec in Sys II.)
Protocols created in System 1.5 can be run using System II without
affecting those settings. Be careful not to change the volume stop.
Once it has been altered in System II, you can not return to the 100
microliters/600 seconds setting.

If you don't have access to System 1.5, Coulter has actually provided a
protocol that has the 100 microliters/600 seconds stops. It is the
bleach protocol used for cleaning that comes with the System II software
on the Protocol Distriution Disk. This protocol can be modified to
create whatever test protocols you need. Again just be careful not to
change the volume stop. Once it has been changed in System II, you can
not return to the 100 microliters/600 seconds setting. You need to
modify the original bleach protocol to get back to those settings. Hope
this helps!

Erin Longdo

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