While CD-R technology has certainly improved since the early days (all of
about a year or two ago), it's still not as simple as just copying to a Jazz
or Zip. However, it's well worth it if compatibility and media cost are
your concerns.
And while DVD is on the horizon, I understand that the first drives will be
read-only, as was the case with CD's. PC Magazine estimates a minimum of a
year or two before the writable drives are available. If you have an
inclination to do this, don't wait on DVD; CD is likely to be with us for
some time yet.
-- Neal Benson University of Florida E-mail: neal-benson@ufl.edu
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;