Re: ACDU problems on the HP

Steven Merlin (
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 13:28:41 +0000

On 10/4/96, Jim Henthorn wrote:
> I am having a terrible time with the ACDU software on the HP. When
> doing 3 or 4 color sorts it will not load sort regions set with LYSYS
> II. I've talked to the people at BD tech support; they tell me I have
> to reenter all of the sort gates manually from the ACDU software.
> ...........Has anybody else had these kinds of problems?


I experienced this problem a couple of years ago. The ACDU software would
only lock-up when setting the second pair of parameters containing FL-3 as
one of choices using the cursor and mouse.

To work around this, you can set the first pair of parameters with the
mouse and cursor. To set the second pair containing FL-3 as a choice, you
can get the coordinates by setting the lower left corner with the mouse and
noting the X,Y coordinates. After setting the corner, move to the upper
right and note the coordinates, but do not press the mouse to close the
gate. Instead, cancel and then select Numeric for setting gates.

As a follow-up, I had forgotten to use the numeric method after several
weeks of using the ACDU and tried the cursor method. To my surprise, I was
able to set the second pair of gates with FL-3 as one of the choices and
the software did not lock up! It still works one year later. It defies
logic as the problem can be linked to when FL-3 was added to the ACDU
software and a hardware modification may not have accompanied the change.
It's been working now for over a year using the cursor method again, but
should it reoccur, there is always the Numeric option to revert to.

Steven Merlin
University of Bern
FACS Core Facility
Murtenstraase 31
CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland
Lab: ++41-31-632-8876
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