RE: Sorting coccidial oocysts

Bob Ashcroft (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 20:29:43 +1000

Dear Ron,

Try Graham Vesey or Duncan Veal, at Macquarie University in Sydney.

Cheers, Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Slocombe []
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 1997 5:34 PM
To: Cytometry Mailing List
Subject: Sorting coccidial oocysts

Subject: Time: 6:28 PM
OFFICE MEMO Sorting coccidial oocysts Date: 24/7/97

Dear Flowers:
Having recently embarked on some avian coccidiosis vaccine protection trials,
one of the tedious tasks is counting the number of sporulated oocysts for
challenge studies. This would seem to be a task readily amenable to
cytometry. Does anyone have experience with detection of sporulated versus
unsporulated oocysts by flow?

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