B cell markers

Dr William Smith (williams@ichr.uwa.edu.au)
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:27:05 +0800

I have been working with human PBMC and trying to separate populations.
I've found that the B cell markers CD19 and 20 are useful but that they
appear to be down regulated after incubation of the cells for 24 or 48
hours, so I can no longer distinguish them as a separate population.
Could anybody please suggest a marker that is more stable, preferably one
that might be generally available, conjugated to FITC?
I'm not a B cell expert as you might gather. I find that the markers CD19
and 20 aren't very bright- much less than CD3 or CD14 for example- is this
due to low antigen density, or do I have duff antibodies?
Help appreciated.
Cheerio, William

Dr William Smith

Institute for Child Health Research
(Company Limited by Guarantee ACN 009 278 755)
Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008
PO Box 855 West Perth WA 6872

Ph 61 8 9340 8792/8388, Fax 61 8 9388 3414
email williams@ichr.uwa.edu.au

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