FACStar Plus Upgrade

Pizzo,Eugene (Pizzo@nso1.uchc.edu)
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 10:21:22 -0400


The problem isn't so much about the upgrade per se. The problem as I see
it is twofold.

1) The attempt to engineer a viable upgrade was legitimate and has been
reasonable but
BD should have informed the purchaser that there were inherent
to the FACStar Plus upgrade and that the upgrade sold and advertised
over a year
ago is only now being installed. They pushed the envelope of corporate
ethics but, for
what it says about our society, I really don't know what the envelope
is only longer.

2) It is unfortunate, to say the least, that so many FACStar Plus users are
being blindsided.
If this occured in research you would expect to be laughed at and never
funded. We
need a direct FACStar/Star Plus/Vantage user's group that will convey
these problems
to all user's immediately.

I thought I was alone in waiting 9 months for my upgrade and in the
loss of one parameter
when I finally had the upgrade installed. Then I visited the
University of Kentucky...

Gene Pizzo/UCONN Health

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