
Peter F. Moore (pfmoore@ucdavis.edu)
Fri, 26 Jan 1996 07:54:27 -0800

Canine eosinophils express Thy-1 antigen; neutrophils do not. We can
quantify eosinophils quite easily in SSC vs. FL1 plots of ungated
peripheral blood cells. Actually the Thy-1 antigen density is sufficiently
different between eosinophils, monocytes and T cells that these populations
segregate discretely in SSC vs. FL1. Thy-1 expression patterns in
peripheral blood differ between species, especially with regard to T cell
expression of Thy-1. I don't know if the eosinophil/neutrophil distinction
is valid in species other than the dog. I hope this helps.

Peter Moore
UC Davis

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