Re: recent argon ion plasma tube repair by EVERGREEN

Frederic Preffer (preffer@HELIX.MGH.HARVARD.EDU)
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 09:50:07 -0400

I am pleased to report that EVERGREEN is behaving as well as i might ever
ask...they are driving up here this week with an ENTIRE loaner I-90 system
and will take ours back to the shop and go over it. There is a possiblity
that an associated power supply problem could be involved, (although a
Coherent rep that examined it did not think that the case). Who knows? I DO
want to make it crystal clear that EVERGREEN is right on top of our
problem...i have not changed my positive impression of their work. Thanks to
all on the 'cytonet' who have offered suggestions/comments!
Frederic I. Preffer
Department of Pathology- Cox5
100 Blossom St
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston MA 02114
(617) 726-7481 {fax x2365}

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