Re: laboratory interface systems

Andrew Lister (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 22:32:49 -0400 wrote:
> Does anyone out there have any experience with flow cytometers and LIS's -
> either Coulter / PC or BD / Macs?
> We would want to interface with the Kestral system

Dawning Technologies, Inc have developed an interface to the Coulter
EPICS XL as part of their Result Net system which takes flow data and
converts it to their proprietary common data format (CDF), which can be
read by several LIS systems directly.

Alternatively, it can convert the data and retransmit them in
HL7 or ASTM formatted ASCII files.

I do not know if it has ever been interfaced to a Kestral system. You
can find out more directly from Dawning at

Regards, Andrew Lister.

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