It's Me Again....

Bill Justice (
Tue, 2 Apr 1996 18:34:07 -0600 (CST)

I can see most of you cringing at the sight of my name and me asking for
help with the hardware on my EPICS 752 flow.....

With the extremely kind help of Gary Durak in Illinois and Todd Eschler of
Coulter Corp. I was able to get my hard drive problem fixed (replaced) and
the MDADS was working great.

Then the plasma tube went out (that was expected, just untimely). We just
got that replaced (targeting sure isn't easy!) and I figured I was ready to go.

Turned on the MDADS (an MDADS I) and the monitor (crt) was acting up. All
the text was "crunched" into the space of one character about the middle of
the screen and from the middle to the right side the text was fine. I turned
the contrast and brightness controls on the back as the screen was dim and
as soon as I did the screen stretched from top to bottom and the text began
to fade until it was just...... gone (poof!).

I turned the unit on and off a couple of times, but it made no difference. I
did detect a faint odor of what is probably an electrical burn, but it
really smelled like fertilizer (I won't even comment on what I think that
means, jokingly). I called Coulter and they advised that it could be the CRT
itself or a power supply.

They told me to look and see if the filaments at the back of the CRT were
glowing, they are. They also told me to check for keyboard response. As I
can't see the screen it is hard to say, but knowing the power on sequence of
events fairly well, I think I can safely say that the keyboard is not
working either.

With this information, does anyone have any suggestions (other than donating
the entire thing to the Kansas City, KS landfill), as to which component is
bad and how I can test for the defective component?

You all came through for me last time. I have faith you will again....

\|||||/ |
| ^ ^ | |
| @ - | | Bill Justice
( ) | Shawnee, Kansas
--oOOO--(_)--OOOo-- | BillJ@Sound.Net
" Just when I figure things | McTull@AOL.COM
out, they don't change the |
rules, they cancel the game "|

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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL