Compensation versus antibody interactions
Antony Bakke (bakkea@ohsu.EDU)
Tue, 13 Feb 96 09:32:26 PST
Compensation assumes that the two antigens are independent (although
they may be on the same cell) and not adjacent.
When you are dealing with antigens that are
adjacent, you may get fluorescence resonance energy transfer from
FITC to PE, because PE can absorb at 530-560 nm. The efficiency
would depend on the relative strength of the signals. This may be
used to your advantage in some cases; see: "Fluorescence resonance
energy transfer as a new method for the epitope-specific
characterization of anti-platelet antobodies" Koksch M, Rothe G,
Kiefel V and Schmitz G. J Immunol Methods 7505, 1995 (the preprint I
have does not list the pages).
Hope this helps,
Tony Bakke
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