a. Save file as a metafile.
b. In our MAC's we can open these .cgm files in the CANVAS program. In this
program you will have unlimited resources for graphic manipulations.
c. Save as a PIC file. Once in this format we copy / paste into our
manuscripts (generally MS WORD).
d. Our "truest" printer is postscript using the coloring process called dye
sublimation. These are expensive but the graphic is photographic quality and
well worth it.
2. I would trash the SyQuest drive and go to a tape systems. In our five
years experience with our drive from SUMMIT we never have lost a file. This
system is fast, efficient and inexpensive (250 MB / tape, approx. $25 / tape)
Stephen Perfetto
Department of HIV Disease Prevention
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
1600 East Gide Drive
Rockville, MD. 20850
Subject: problems with the Elite
Author: Andreas Simm <simm@vax.rz.uni-wuerzburg.d400.de>
Date: 5/10/95 10:10 AM
Hello everybody
we have two problems with our Elite-ESP from Coulter.
1) problems with print colours.
we use the Elite-ESP with the software version 4.01 and a HP deskjet
500C as a printer.
The prints from multigraph or only normal histogram files are awful
cause of the colours used by the program, better used by the device
drivers developed by GSS for this printer.
On the other hand, one has no possibility to determine the colours
for example - gate one red, gate two blue ... In our hand, the third
gate is allways yellow and the last gates allways pink.
Do anybody know a possibility to get prints like - You Get What You See
or has good results/experience with other printers.
2) problems with data storage on removable hart disk cartridge
we use 88 MB SyQuest removable disk cartridges for data storage and
handling because all of our PCs in our labs have drives for these disks.
We use this system with the PCs in our lab fr 4 years without any
We have major problems with our Elite ESP / PC of our Elite. For really
unknown reasons the Elite software destroyed our data on these removable
hart disks by overwriting or deleting the bootable sector / track 0. We
have lost until now the data from 5 disks.
Has anybody experience with the Elite and the Syquest disks.
We would be happy for any comment or advice
Andreas Simm
Andreas Simm
Physiologische Chemie II
Biozentrum, am Hubland
D-97074 Wuerzburg
Tel.: +49-931-888-4128
FAX.: +49-931-888-4113
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;