RE: indo-1

Lisa Johnson (
Wed, 12 APR 95 14:26:25

On our FACStar Plus we use a 440 LP dichroic into a 485 BP and 405 BP. This
was the recommended setup for our old Ortho System 50H and we ignored BD's
advice for the Plus (to use a short pass filter and reverse the collection PMT
wavelengths) and tried this with good results.

Is the hinged dichroic holder you are using recycled from an old BD
instrument? If so, we tried that too, and failed to get any purple signal
out. The Plus comes with a dichroic holder that is stationary and I rigged
(with cardboard and double backed tape) a way to install my 440 LP onto that
holder. Hey, it works!

We use the Bright Blue Fluorescebrite (sp?) beads from Flow Cytometry
Standards Corp. to align the UV laser and get great signal into both the 485
and 405 PMTs.

Lisa Johnson
UT Southwestern

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