> Hello,
> I am in the process of setting up an assay for intracellular calcium
> mobilisation using indo-1 on a FACS vantage and have run up against a
> couple of problems. If anyone could help me, it would be most appreciated.
> The UV excited fluorescence signal is split by a 505nm dichroic mirror
> and the two fluorescences are collected at 395+/-25nm (Fl4) and
> 525+/-25nm (Fl5). The dichroic mirror is a curious thing with a sort of
> hinge, making it infinitely adjustable. I have aligned the system with
> UV beads but get little or no signal in FL5. This may be due to the
> spectrum of the beads.
> With Indo-1 (3uM) loaded cells, I get a nice signal in FL4, but again no
> signal in FL5. Considering that I will be looking for an increase in FL4
> and a decrease in Fl5, this is not satisfactory. Is there an established
> setting up protocol for this assay? I get nice changes using Fluo-3
> alone, but I dont want to use this. I have a lot of noise in Fl5, and
> this may be the source of the problem. If anyone has any ideas, Id be
> pleased to hear them.
> Thanks
> Graham
> Graham
A dichroic with a sort of hinge eh? It sounds to me that the dichroic is
at the wrong angle. I use indo-1 with my FACS Vantage and get very good
results. I use the same setup as you with regard to filters BUT I use the
dichroic supplied with the instrument intended for splitting off the
signals from a red secondary laser (I think), it is labelled FL4/5 640 LP
but works well as short pass dichroic with a cut-off of about 500nM.
The signal in the FL5 channel should be stronger than that in FL4.
Hope this helps.
Simon Monard
Dept Medicine
Cambridge, UK
tel 01223 330149
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;