Re: Self operated sorters
Robert Chervenak (
Wed, 30 Nov 94 09:18:57 CST
I think the situation described by Mario Roederer, in which self-operators
set up and run their own sorts on machines that are routinely operated and
monitored by skilled operators is a good one. My critical comments were
aimed at the potential situation described by Kris Weber, in which a group
of investigators (not necessarily flow experts) go in together on the
purchase of a sorter for the purpose of having their lab people do their
own sorting experiments. In this case, there would be no "skilled
operators" to monitor the instrument, and the potential for disaster would
be at a maximum.
I think that the success of the Stanford facility in using the self-
operator concept is largely dependent on the co-use of the sorters by both
highly trained operators and self users. Although I must admit to some
surprise that even with this system, screwing up of the instruments occurs
only rarely. I guess the BD sorters are more stable and reliable sorters
than I had given them credit for. This is particularly good news for us,
since we just bought a FACS Vantage.
Rob Chervenak
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
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