Table 58.2. Antineoplastic Drug Preparations and Storage

Copyright, Purdue Research Foundation, 1996

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Table 58.2. Antineoplastic Drug Preparations and Storage

Name          How         Diluent           Storage        Other                
              Supplied                      Before                              

Asparaginase    10,000    sterile water,    refrigerate    discard unused       
  ElsparR      unit vial  saline                           portion              

Bleomycin       15 unit   sterile water     refrigerate                         
Sulfate          vial      saline                                               
  BlenoxaneR              5% dextrose in                                        
Mead-Johnson              water                                                 

Carboplatin   50 mg vial  sterile water,    RT*            Stable at 25o C for  
 ParaplatinR    150 mg    saline,                          8 h                  
Bristol          vial     5% dextrose in                   No aluminum hubbed   
                450 mg    water                            needles              

Carmustine      100 mg    supplied diluent  refrigerate    Discard unused       
   BiCNUR        vial     (ethanol)                        portion              
Bristol                   sterile water                                         

Cisplatin     10 mg vial  sterile water     RT             Never give to cats   
  PlatinolR   50 mg vial                                   Stable for 20 h      
Bristol                                                    after dilution       
                                                           No aluminum hubbed   

Cyclophospham 25 mg tabs  --                tablets -- RT  Do not split         
ide           50 mg tabs  --                injection --   tablets              
 CytoxanR     100 mg inj  sterile water     refrigerate                         
Mead-Johnson  200 mg inj  "                 after opening                       
              500 mg inj  "                                                     
                1 g inj   "                                                     
                2 g inj   "                                                     

Cytarabine      100 mg    sterile water     RT                                  
  CytosarR       vial     saline                                                
Upjohn          500 mg    5% dextrose in                                        
                 vial     water                                                 

Dacarbazine     100 mg    sterile water     refrigerate                         
  DTICR          vial                                                           
Miles           200 mg                                                          

Dactinomycin    0.5 mg    sterile water     RT             Discard unused       
  CosmegenR      vial                                      portion              

Doxorubicin   10 mg vial  saline            RT             Do not use with      
HCL           50 mg vial                    or             heparin              
Adria Labs                                                                      

Fluorouracil    500 mg    supplied as       RT                                  
  5FUR           vial     liquid                                                

Vinblastine   10 mg vial  supplied as       refrigerate                         
  VelbanR                 liquid                                                

Vincristine    1 mg vial  supplied as       refrigerate                         
sulfate        5 mg vial  liquid                                                

* RT = Room temperature Modified from Bonney and Knapp 1994.

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Gordon L. Coppoc, DVM, PhD
Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology
Head, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1246
Tel: 317-494-8633Fax: 317-494-0781

Last modified 11:25 PM on 2/20/96 GLC