Outline from PCTX 611, Power Point, Nov 1995
Copyright, Purdue Research Foundation, 1996
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- Brody, et. al 2nd ed. '94 Part VI
- Cytotoxic drugs
- Biological response modifiers
- Tumor Biology
- Many sources
- Important source: Medical Oncology, 2nd Ed., Calabresi &
Schein, et. al., McGraw Hill, 1993
- Shackney, et al. Chapter 4 in Calabresi & Schein, '93
Therapeutic Triangle
Patient - Pathogen Interaction
- Patient Pathogen
- Defenses
- Location
- Circulation
- Pathogen Patient
Patient - Therapy
- Patient Therapy
- Pharmacokinetic variables
- Recovery rates of tissues
- Therapy Patient
- Toxicity
- Defense-enhancement
Therapy - Pathogen
- Therapy Pathogen
- Effect on pathogen
- none
- kill
- inhibit
- stimulate
- remove
- Pathogen Therapy
Tumor Biology
- The Cancer Rx Problem
- Selectivity
- Tumor Growth
- Heterogeneity
- Cell Kill Hypothesis
- Resistance
- Modalities
The Cancer Rx Problem
- Selectivity
- Must kill ALL cancer cells
- Minimal harm to normal cells
- Differences mostly quantitative - based on rates
- Change in sensitivity
- Cancer cells can change in sensitivity to drugs during therapy
and /or
- Population of "sensitivities" can change
is when one kills ALL the cells
Importance of Growth Rate on Action of Cytotoxic Drugs
Do Tumors Grow at the Same Rate Throughout Their Life Span?
Clinical Tumor Growth Rate
Gompertzian Growth is Typical in Tumors
Doubling Time
- Nt = number of cells (N0 = zero time)
- k = fraction of cells dividing / unit time
- Td = Doubling time (= Tc if cells are immortal)
- Tc = Cell cycle time
Human Tumor Doubling Times (days)
- Burkitt's lymphoma 2-5
- Testicular cancer 21
- Osteogenic sarcoma 34
- Hodgkin's disease 38
- Adenocarcinoma, colon 96
- ---------- " ---------, breast 129
- ---------- " ---------, lung 134
Impact of Growth Rate on Time to Detection
Heterogeneity in Tumors
from 3 types of sources
- Pharmacokinetic
- Kinetic
- Genetic
Log Cell Kill
(after Skipper)
- Each course of Rx kills SAME FRACTION of cells present. NUMBER
- Example values of "Log Kill"
- Cell Fraction Fraction Log Log
killed surviving surv kill
- 0.9 0.1 -1 1
- 0.99 0.01 -2 2
- 0.999 0.001 -3 3
- 0.999999999 0.000000001 -9 9
Log Kill & Host Survival
Heterogeneity -- Pharmacokinetic
- Variation in Drug delivered to tumor cells
- Blood supply
- Necrosis
- Route
Heterogeneity -- Kinetic
- Variation in Cell cycle time among cells
- Cells not all in same cell cycle-phase
Drugs & The Cell Cycle
Growth Fraction is Important Determinant of Drug Effect
Growth Fraction Varies with Tumor
- Thymidine labeling index (TLI)
- Expose cells to radio-isotopically labelled precursor, e.g.,
1 h
- TLI = # labelled cells / total cells
- Sample TLI
- Burkitt's lymphoma 0.29
- Squamous cell carcinoma (lung) 0.08
- Adenocarcinoma, colon 0.03
- Adenocarcinoma, breast 0.02
Kinetic Heterogeneity
Distribution of Tc Varies
With Kinetic Resistance, Response Decreases Immediately
Impact of Genetic Resistance Depends on When it Occurs
Impact of Resistance Depends on Its Origin
Resistance Types - Genetic
- Defective activation
- Increased inactivation
- Altered nucleotide pools
- Altered DNA repair
- Altered target
- Decreased accumulation
- Decreased target
- Gene amplification
Resistance Mechanisms - 1
- Defective activation
- Cyclophosphamide requires metabolic activation
- Methotrexate conversion to more active MTX-polyglutamate in
- Increased inactivation ( 2 of Brody mechs here)
- e.g., aldehyde dehydrogenase -- cyclophosphamide to inactive
- cell protective groups scavenge highly reactivte compounds
-- sulfhydryl compounds -- glutathione, metallothionine
Resistance Mechanisms - 2
- Altered nucleotide pools (not a Brody mech)
- Can occur with antimetabolites
- Altered DNA repair
- Repair mechanisms increased, i.e., ability to remove cross-links
- Bleomycin and other DNA-directed drugs
Resistance Mechanisms - 3
- Altered target
- Enzyme active, but less affinity for drug
- Methotrexate
- Dihydrofolate reductase changes
- Decreased target
- decreased topoisomerase II
- e.g., etoposide
- Increased target -- gene amplification
- Methotrexate
- Increase dihydrofolate reductase
Resistance Mechanisms - 4
- Decreased Accumulation
- Decreased uptake
- Methotrexate -- carrier protein decreases
- Mechlorethamine -- decreased choline carrier
- Melphalan / leucine transport
- Increased Efflux
Resistance Due to
Decreased Accumulation,
Decreased Intracellular Concentration
- Decreased transport into cell
- Increased efflux
Resistance due to Increased Efflux
- usually alkaloids such as doxorubicin, etoposide, actinomycin
D, vinca alkaloids
- P-Glycoprotein (gP-170) in membrane, pumps drug out
- Pump normally expressed in some cells, e.g., bone marrow stem
- Some drugs can reverse resistance -- e.g., calcium channel
Treatment Modalities
- Adjuvant Therapy
- Combination Therapy
- Alternating Combination Therapy
Combination Therapy
- Minimizes development of resistance
- Same or greater cell kill with less toxicity
- Drugs should have different limiting toxicities
- Timing can be important
- Example: MOPP for Hodgkins
- M: mechlorethamine; O: Vincristine (Oncovin); P: Procarbazine;
P: Prednisolone
Toxicities Frequently Observed
- Rapid growth rate tissues
- Bone marrow suppression
- GI toxicity (mucositis, stomatitis, etc.)
- Other
- Anorexia and vomiting
- Hypersensitivity
- See Brody, et. al., P 588-589 general and specific toxicities
- See Calabresi et al, '93, Table 21-1
Toxicities Related to Specific Drugs
- Renal
- Cisplatin, Methotrexate (high dose)
- Hepatic
- Folic acid antagonists (e.g., methotrexate)
- Cardiac
Toxicities -- Long Term
- Types
- Oncogenesis
- Mutagenesis
- Teratogenesis
- Typical Drugs
- Alkylating agents
- Antitumor antibiotics
- Need for care in handling
Cytotoxic Drug Classes
After FORMER Textbook - Smith & Reynard
- Cell cycle active agents (Antimetabolites)
- Drugs that damage DNA
- Antitumor antibiotics
- Miscellaneous
Cytotoxic Drug Classes
Typical Categories
- Akylating agents
- Antimetabolites
- Natural products
- Miscellaneous agents
Cell Cycle-Active Agents
- Methotrexate
- Fluoropyrimidines
- Cytarabine
- Purine analogues (6-MP, 6-TG)
- Hydroxyurea
- Vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine)
- Epipodophylotoxins
- Taxol
Nucleic Acid Nomenclature
Base nucleoSIDE nucleoTIDE
Adenine (A) AdenoSINE AdenYLATE (AMP)
Guanine (G) GuanoSINE GuanYLATE (GMP)
Uracil (U) UriDINE UridYLATE (UMP)
Cytosine (C) CytiDINE CytidYLATE (CMP)
Thymine (T) DeoxythymiDINE DeoxythymidYLATE
Purine (G & A) - Pyrimidine (C & U)
- G - C pair (3 H-bonds)
- A - U pair (2 H-bonds)
Purine (G& A) - Pyrimidine (C & T)
- G - C pair (3 H-bonds)
- A - T pair (2 H-bonds)
Antimetabolites --
Group Characteristics
- Resemble NORMAL substrates
- Most inhibit DNA synthesis, some inhibit RNA synthesis and/or
- Bone Marrow cell replication is profoundly inhibited
- GI Toxicity great with some
- Highly cell cycle specific
- Also "phase specific", e.g., S or M phase
Antimetabolites --
Major Members
- Folic Acid Analogs
- Pyrimidine analogs
- Purine analogs
- 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP)
- 6-Thioguanine (6-TG)
Methotrexate -- Structure
Clinical Uses
- Broad range
- Well established
- ALL of childhood
- Choriocarcinoma
- Cancers of breast, bladder, and head & neck
- Useful in treatment of
Methotrexate (MTX) MOA
- Folic Acid Analogue
- Carrier transport into cell
- Binds strongly to DHFR to deplete THF
- Decreases 1-carbon transfers in Purine synth.
- Decreases [1-C-THF]intracellular which decreases dUMP
- Therefore, decreases NUCLEIC ACID synthesis
- Forms polyglutamyl-MTX which traps MTX inside cell & inhibits
thymidylate synthase
Methotrexate MOA's
Leucovorin Rescue
Methotrexate -- Resistance
- Impaired carrier mediated transport into the cell
- Decrease affinity for MTX
- Increased concentration, due to
MTX - Clinical Pharmacology
Critical Determinants
- Critical pharmacologic determinants of action
- Extracellular concentration
- 10-8M inhibit thymidylate synthetase
- 10-7M inhibit de novo purine synthesis
- 10-6M for 48 hours may cause death!
- Duration of drug exposure
- To maximize number of cells entering S-phase
- Many schedules to optimize these for particular tumors
MTX - Clinical Pharmacology
Absorption - Distribution
- Used PO, IM, IV
- Elimination half-lives Tri-phasic
- Distribution -- 45 min
- Renal clearance -- 2-3.5 h
- "Third space fluids" -- 10 h
- If prolonged exposure to >10-8M, severe toxicity may result
- "Third space fluids", e.g., CSF
- Slow influx and efflux may be a problem
MTX - Clinical Pharmacology
- Elimination (>90%) via kidneys unchanged via filtration
and secretion
- Two poorly soluble metabolites eliminated in urine
- With high dose Rx, may precipitate
- Weak organic acids, e.g., salicylates, decrease secretion
- CAUTION in renally compromised patients
Methotrexate Toxicity
Dose Limiting
- Myelosuppression
- Thrombocytopenia and Leukopenia
- Nadirs 7-10 days after Rx, Recovery 14-21 days
- GI toxicity
- Oral mucositis is early sign of GI toxicity
- If elimination prolonged, may be
- Severe mucositis
- Small bowel ulceration & bleeding
- Diarrhea requires cessation to prevent perforation of gut
Methotrexate Toxicity
- Conventional doses, infrequent toxicity
- High doses, toxicity can be severe
- Precipitation of metabolites
- Alkalinize urine & hydrate patient to dilute & increase
solubility of metabolites
- Leucovorin (folinic acid, N5-THF)
- Reversed within 3 weeks spontaneously if exposure not prolonged
MTX Toxicity - Other
- Immunosuppression
- Hepatotoxicity
- With chronic administration as in ALL of childhood and psoriasis
- Changes typical of portal fibrosis and cirrhosis.
- Listlessness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting
- Intrathecal administration
- Acute meningeal irritation with attendant signs, some severe
Clinical Use of 5-FU
- Single agent
- Palliative in advanced colorectal carcinoma
- Combination
- Breast cancer
- Carcinomas of ovary, stomach, pancreas
- Sequential MTX + 5-FU
Fluoropyrimidines - MOA
5-Fluorouracil & 5-Fluorodeoxyuridine
- Activated by conversion to nucleotide
- 5-FU Incorporated into RNA
- Interfere with RNA processing - ALL types
- May be most important MOA in slowly growing tumors
- Both drugs inhibit DNA synthesis
- Inhibition of Thymidylate synthase
- Most important MOA in rapidly growing tumors (?)
5-FU: Incorporation into RNA
Impact of RNA(FU)
- Alters synthesis and function of all species of RNA
- On ribosomal function --
- Inhibits maturation of rRNA
- Interferes with formation & function of ribosomes
- causes miscoding during translation
- Important mechanism of cytotoxicity
- Decreased protein synthesis
- Synthesis of abnormal proteins
5-FU: Inhibition of DNA Synthesis
THF-Derivatives Required for FdUMP Action on TS
5-FU: Activation to FdUMP & Incorporation into RNA
5FU: Relative Importance of Action on RNA vs. DNA
- If Fluorodeoxyuridine (FUDR) administered, only affects DNA.
- Inhibition of DNA synthesis only, if 5-FU activated directly
to FdUMP, by thymidine phosphorylase/thymidine kinase pathway.
- Otherwise, affects both RNA & DNA
- Antitumor action correlates best with effect on Thymidylate
5-FU: Biotransformation
- Activation to active compounds
- Inactivation to dihydrofluorouracil
- e.g., dihydrouracil dehydrogenase
- rapid
- high content in liver
- Present in intestinal mucosa
- Less in many GI tumor cells
Complexity of 5-FU Interactions
- High doses of thymidine may enhance 5-FU toxicity by --
- increasing incorporation of FdUMP into DNA (Mechanism unknown)
- competing with 5-FU for inactivation, thus increasing the
concentrationof 5-FU
- Interactions with Methotrexate
- Tumor differences in route of activation and, hence relative
DNA / RNA action
MTX Enhancement of 5-FU Antitumor & Immunosuppressive
- Administer MTX first!
- Increases intracellular accumulation of 5-FU
- Increases intracellular pool of phosphoribosyl pyrophospate
(PRPP) which increases formation of FUMP
- Increases PRPP by inhibiting purine synthesis, i.e., by decreasing
THF through action on DHFR.
- Leucovorin may prevent the increase in PRPP. Illustrates complexity
of interactions.
MTX - 5-FU Interactions
5-FU: Clinical Pharmacology
- P.O. bioavailability: 1-15%
- Liver primary site of inactivation
- Undetectable in plasma after 2 h
- Administered --
- Once / week in bolus dose IV
- IV infusion daily for 5 days q 4-6 weeks
- Produces effective concentrations --
Fluoropyrimidines - Toxicity
Typical List of Major Toxicities
- Dose limiting
- Bone marrow -- esp. with bolus admin.
- Leukopenia & Thrombocytopenia
- nadir 9-14 days after 5 days of Rx
- recovery by day 21
- GI Toxicity -- esp. with infusion admin.
- usually Stomatitis & Diarrhea 4-7 days after Rx
Fluoropyrimidine Toxicty: Effect of Route and Schedule
- IV bolus
- myelosuppression is dominant
- Prolonged Rx, may cause megaloblastic anemia
- Continuous IV Infusion
- Frequently produce, stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
- Hepatotoxicity (elevated transaminases)
- myelosuppression less common
Fluropyrimidine Toxicity:
Effect of Peak 5-FU Concentration
- Acute, reversible cerebellar syndrome
- somnolence, ataxia of trunk or extremities, unsteady gait,
slurred speech, nystagmus
- Regimens that produce high peak concentrations in CSF
Fluoropyrimidine Toxicity -- Other
- Hyperpigmentation of skin is frequent and may be accompanied
by photosensitivity
- Toxic effect of radiation to skin may be enhanced
- Alopecia, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, and nail changes
may be observed
Fluorodeoxyuridine (FUDR)
- Substrate for thymidine kinase which converts it to FdUMP
- Also converted to 5-FU
- Primary use
- Patients with hepatic metastses by infusion into hepatic artery
- May have use in renal cell cancer via continuous infusion
with adjustments for circadian rhythm
Cytosine Arabinoside
(Ara-C, Cytarabine) -- Structure
Clinical Uses
- Acute leukemias
- Frequently in combination with idarubacin or daunorubicin
with or without 6-thioguanine
- Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
- as part of multi-agent regimens
Activation and Site of Action
- Activated after entering by carrier
- deoxycytidine kinase has higher affinity for natural substrate
2'-deoxycytidine, but still rapid activation
- Ara-CTP competitive inhibitor of DNA polymerase -- decreases
DNA synthesis
- Ara-CTP incorporated into DNA & RNA
- Abnormal DNA & RNA produced
Resistance -- Increased Degradation
- Increased degradative enzymes
- Cytidine deaminase
- High in plasma, granulocytes, RBCs, mucosa of GI tract, liver,
spleen and lungs
- Higher than activating enzyme in human leukemia cells
- Deoxycytidine monophosphate deaminase
- Higher than activating enzyme in tumor tissues
- Effectiveness depends on ratio of activating to degradative
Cytarabine Resistance "Swamping" & Activation
- Increased pool of dCTP
- Decreases competitive inhibition
- Decreased activity or deleting of activating enzyme -- deoxycytidine
- Changed DNA polymerase with less affinity for Ara-CTP
Clinical Pharmacology
- Poorly absorbed PO
- Short half-life
- 2nd phase: 13.1 to 111 min
- More than 90% in urine w/in 24h as ara-U (inactive). Rest
as Ara-C
- Adm as infusion or q12h as bolus because of short half-life
and S-phase specificity
Cytarabine Toxicity
- Primarily to rapidly proliferating tissues
- Bone marrow (granulocytopenia & thrombocytopenia
- Nadirs 7-14 days
- May recover by 21 days, but
- depends on previous exposure to cytotoxic drugs
- Megaloblastic anemia is common
- GI tract
- Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
5-Azacytidine (5-AZA)
- Must be enzymatically activated
- 5-azaCTP incorp into RNA & DNA
- Causes hypomethylation of DNA which results in altered
gene expression and morphological differentiation of cells
- Myelosuppression & severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
- May activate expressed genes
Purine Analogs
- Anticancer
- 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP)
- 6-Thioguanine (6-TG)
- Immunosuppressant
- Treat hyperuricemia
- Allopurinol
- Inhibits xanthine oxidase
6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP)
Clinical Indications
- Hypoxanthine analog
- Maintenance Rx for childhood ALL
- Rx of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and autoimmune
6-Mercaptopurine - MOA
- Activation to 6-thioinosine-5'-phosphate (T-IMP)
- T-IMP accumulates because is poor substrate, therefore, causes
pseudo-feedback inhibition of purine biosynthesis
Clinical Pharmacology
- Given orally, but absorption highly variable
- 6-MP biotransformed by xanthine oxidase, therefore, interacts
with allopurinol which inhibits XO
- Bone Marrow and GI mucosa sites of toxicity.
- myelosuppression nadir 7-10 days; recovery by 14 days
- Common, but not severe, mucositis, nausea, & vomiting
- Hepatotoxicity in 1/3 of patients
- within 2weeks up 2 yrs after initiate Rx
- Reversible, but should stop Rx if signs
6-Thioguanine (6-TG)
Clinical Indications
- Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in combination with other drugs
for induction and maintenance
- Activated to 6-thioguanosine-5'-phosphate (6-thio GMP)
- by HGPRT (hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase)
- 6-Thio-GMP converted to ...GDP and ...GTP by guanylate kinase
- 6-Thio-GTP incorp into RNA and DNA
- Faulty DNA causes cytotoxicity
Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicity
- PO absorption, variable & incomplete
- IV, half-life 80-90 min
- 40% eliminated in urine, rest biotransformed
- Myelosuppression major toxic effect
- Anorexia, nausea, vomiting & mucositis may occur
- Less hepatotoxicity than with 6-MP
Adenosine Analogs
in Clinical Trials
- 2'-Deoxycoformycin (DCF)
- Hairy cell leukemia (HCL), T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia,
mycosis fungoides, immunosuppressant
- Inhibits adenosine deaminase
- 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine
- cytotoxic for lymphocytes -- B-cell lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL)
and HCL
- Fludarabine
- B-CLL, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Hydroxyurea [Hydrea]
- Acts as an antimetabolite
- Inhibits ribonucleotide reductase which is important in DNA
- Cell-cycle stage specific in S phase
- Used for chronic myelocytic leukemia
Hydroxyurea [Hydrea]
- Major Toxicity
- Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and megaloblastosis, but recovery
is rapid
- Other
- Anorexia, mild nausea, vomiting, and stomatitis
- Administered orally
Vinca Alkaloids
- Vincristine sulfate(Oncovin)
- Vinblastine sulfate (Velban)
- From periwinkle plant (Vinca rosea L)
- Drug of choice for childhood leukemias in combination with
- Used for lymphoreticular neoplasms, carcinomas, and sarcomas
Vinca Alkaloids
- Uptake by energy dependent carrier
- Bind to tubulin in microtubules to cause their dissolution
- Colchicine-like arrest in metaphase
- Altered intracellular transport
- Contrast to Taxol which stabilizes tubules
- No cross resistance between vincristine and vinblastine
Vinca Alkaloids
- Severe vesicant
- Neurotoxicity
Vinca Alkaloids
Toxicity Neurotoxicity
- Especially with vincristine
- This surprise may be due to slower elimination than vinblastine
which is more lipid soluble
- Mild sensory neuropathy with sensory impairment and paresthesia:
Keep Rx
- Severe paresthesias, loss of reflexes, ataxia, and muscle
wasting: stop Rx
- Constipation and abdominal pain - take laxatives
Vinca Alkaloids
Toxicity -- Miscellaneous
- Severe tissue vesicants
- Must be careful of IV equipment to avoid slough
- Less hematologic effects than many other cytotoxic drugs
- Inappropriate ADH secretion
- Cause accumulation of fluid
Vinca Alkaloids
Clinical Pharmacology
- Eliminated by biotransformation and biliary excretion
- Used IV
- Typically given q1wk or q2wk
An Epipodophylotoxin
- (also, VP-16, VePesid)
- Relatively new
- Activity in human small cell lung carcinoma
- Included in combination therapies
- Binds to Topoisomerase II -- may be cytotoxic effect
- topoisomerase II catalyzes topological alterations in chromosomes
that allow DNA replication, transcription, and repair
- Protein-linked single strand breaks in DNA
- Inhibits nucleoside transport into cells
- Inhibits RNA and DNA synthesis
- Acts primarily in G2, but also S and M
Clinical Pharmacology
- Highly lipophilic, but still low concentration in CSF
- Over half is eliminated by biotransformation and biliary excretion
- Reduce dose in liver dysfunction
- Half-lives are 2.8 and 15.1 h
- Given PO or IV
- Give 3 doses, q1d or q2d
- Predominant is hematologic, especially leukopenia
- Nadir 2nd week, recovery by 3rd
- Nausea & vomiting mild
- Hair loss common
- Hypotension on IV injection so must give slowly
- From bark of West yew (Taxus brevifolia)
- Active in drug refractory ovarian and breast carcinomas
- Inhibits cell replication, esp. in late G2 and M phases
- Binds best to beta subunit of tubulin
- In presence of microtubule associated proteins can polymerize
tubulin into stable microtubules
- Won't allow depolymerization of tubulin for normal function
- Some cells become dependent on Taxol!
Drugs That Damage DNA
- Alkylating agents
- Nitrosoureas
- Platinum compounds
- Antibiotics
- Anthracyclines
- Damage DNA, but S&R has Antibiotics as separate major
Alkylating Agents
- Developed from nitrogen mustard war gases of WW I which were
highly reactive vesicants
- First chemicals used for cancer Rx
- Not cell cycle specific, but still more active in dividing
- "Radiomimetic" -- action on DNA resembles radiation
Alkylating Agents
General MOA
- Strong electrophilic chemical reactions through formation
of carbonium ion intermediates
- Intermediates react with nucleophiles to form covalent bonds,
- phosphate, amino, sulfhydryl, hydroxyl, carboxyl, and imidazole
Alkylating Agents
Consequences of MOA
- Bi-functional agents
- DNA-DNA strand and DNA-Protein cross-links
- especially by reacting with 7-Nitrogen of guanine
- Misreading of genetic code
- Alkylation of guanine may shift electon configuration so it
forms GT rather than GC pairs
- DNA Chain breaks - labilized imidazole
Alkylating Agents
General Toxicities of Group
- More toxic to bone marrow and gut than to liver and kidney,
- Infertility to both males and females
- Mutagenic
- Carcinogenic
Alkylating Agents
Antitumor Activity
- Wide spectrum
- Lymphoreticular tissue tumors
- Limited activity against sarcomas
Alkylating Agents
Tumor Resistance
- Develops slowly & may require several genetic / biochemical
- Increased intracellular nucleophiles
- metallothionein, glutathione
- Increased DNA repair systems
- Reduced drug accumulation
- Resistance not necessarily uniform across group
Nitrogen Mustards
- Examples
- Mechlorethamine
- Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
- Melphalan
- Chlorambucil
Nitrogen Mustards
Nitrogen Mustards
Major differences
- Pharmacokinetic
- Mechlorethamine
- highly unstable
- must be given IV
- half-life in minutes
- Cyclophosphamide
- can be given orally
- must be activated in liver
- e.g., melphalan / leucine transport; mechlorecthamine / choline
Nitrogen Mustards
Similar toxicities
- Especially toxic to lymphocytes & bone marrow cells
- Within hours of Rx dose
- mitosis stopped
- formed elements disintegrate
- Immunosuppression is profound
- GI toxicity less than some other groups
(Nitrogen Mustard) Structure
Mechlorethamine HCl
Nitrogen mustard, Mustargen
- Major use in '90s is Hodgkin's Disease
- Severe vesicant
- First chemical agent to be used successfully in clinical oncology
- Must give IV
- Toxicity
- Myelosuppression
- More GI toxicity including nausea and vomiting than most alkylating
Clinical Applications
- Most widely used alkylating agent, in part due to availability
of oral route
- Active lymphoproliferative diseases, e.g.,
- Hodgkin's disease
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Significant activity vs
- multiple myeloma
- ovarian, breast, small cell lung carcinoma
- Many combinations
Hepatic cytochrome P-450 system, enzymes phosphatase and phosphamidase
are primary activators (hydrolyze P-N bond) to intermediate, aldophosphamide,
which nonenzymatically breaks down to --
- Phosphoramide mustard (bifunctional)
- Acrolein
Clinical Pharmacology
- Oral bioavailability = 90-100%
- Not vesicant
- IV injection no local irritation
- Half-life --
- cyclophosphamide -- 3-10 h
- aldophosphamide -- 1.6 h
- phosphoramide mustard -- 8.7 h
- Most metabolized-- < 14% unchanged in urine
- Bone marrow suppression most imp.
- leukopenia
- thrombocytopenia
- Nausea and vomiting said to be rare
- Other toxicity similar to group except
Sterile necrotizing hemorrhagic cystitis
- Acrolein is probable cause
- Associated with chronic administration
- Cause for stopping Rx
- Minimize
- high water intake and take in AM
- Rx
- Bladder irrigationwith thiol compounds
- Systemic Rx with N-acetylcysteine and mesna
Mesna for Px & Rx of Cystitis
- Used prophylactically and therapeutically
- Mesna (2-mercaptoethansulfonate, Mesonex)
- injectable as inert disulfide which is reduced in renal tubules
to mesna
- Mesna binds to and detoxifies urotoxc metabolites of cyclophosphamide
and Ifosfamide
- Structural analog of cyclophosphamide
- Must be activated in liver, but activation is slower than
with cyclophosphamide
- More toxic to bladder than cyclophosphamide, so not first
line drug
- Must be activated --
- by hepatic cytochrome P-450 dependent N-demethylation
- Alkylating agent and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide (AIC)
release from activated moiety in target cells.
- Effects on RNA and protein synthesis inhibited more than DNA
- Best when used in combo
- Toxicity like other alkylating agents
- Methylnitrosoureas
- 2-Chloroethylnitrosoureas
- Carmustine (BCNU)
- Lomustine (CCNU)
- Semustine (Methyl-CCNU)
- Lipophilic
- Chemically unstable
Clinical Indications
- Streptozotocin -- Pancreas
- functional and nonfunctional islet cell tumors
- Carmustine (BCNU)
- Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, multiple myeloma
- Brain tumors -- primary and metastatic
- Enter cells by diffusion
- Alkylation
- Carbamoylation
- Inhibition of repair of x-ray-induced DNA strand breaks
- Interference with synthesis and processing of ribosomal and
nucleoplasmic RNA
- Inhibition of DNA polymerase II
Carmustine (BCNU)
- Delayed myelosuppression
- leukocyte & thrombocyte nadir 4-6 WEEKS
- Bone marrow toxicity, cumulative and dose limiting
- Hepatotoxicity in upto 26% of patients
- Increased alkaline phosphatase & transaminases
- Pulmonary fibrosis (may be subclinical in all patients)
Carmustine (BCNU)
Toxicity - 2
- Renal in many at high doses (>300 mg/m2)
- Radiation nephritis-like
- glomerulosclerosis, tubular loss, interstitial fibrosis, thickening
of basement membranes
- Cumulative dose >1200 mg/m2 should be carefully monitored
- Mutagenic & carcinogenic
- Acute myelocytic leukemia
Platinum Compounds
Cisplatin (cis-DDP)
Clinical Indications
- Effective in --
- Testicular tumors
- Ovarian carcinoma
- Bladder tumors
- Head and Neck
- Breast cancer
- Lung cancer
- refractory non-Hodgkins lymphomas
- Radiosensitizer -- optimal use of this ???
Cisplatin (cis-DDP)
- Enters cells by passive diffusion
- Aquated Cl- moieties react with N7 of guanine and other nucleophiles
- Intrastrand (rapidly) and Interstrand (slowly) crosslinks
in DNA
- DNA - protein crosslinks
- Cell-cycle nonspecific, but may be most active in G1
Clinical Pharmacology
- Non-protein bound cisplatin (10%) is active form in blood
- Half-lives
- 25-49 min (distribution) and 59-73 h (elim)
- Not cross blood-brain barrier
- Highest concentrations in KIDNEY, head (not brain), liver,
- Urinary excretion initially rapid (toxic!)
- Nephrotoxicity is dose-limiting
- Intractable, almost universal, nausea and vomiting
- Anaphylactic-like reactions
- Neurotoxicity
- Myelosuppression
- mild compared to alkylating agents
- thrombocytopenia (by day 7-9)
- granulocytopenia (by day 17-19)
- Dose related , cumulative, & irreversible
- Primarily affects proximal tubuls
- tubular degeneration & loss of brush border
- necrosis and mineralization of tubular epithelial cells
- Minimize
- Hypersalination - forced infusion of hypertonic saline
- Pre-Rx with thiol compounds may help (diethyldthiocarbamate
(DDTC) or thiol sulfate)
- Organic analog of cisplatin
- Used for ovarian tumors
- Same MOA and cross-resistant with cisplatin
- More bone marrow toxicity and less nephrotoxicity than cisplatin
Antitumor Antibiotics
- Anthracyclines
- Doxorubicin
- Daunorubicin
- Mitoxantrone
- Bleomycin
- Dactinomycin (actinomycin D)
- Mitomycin C
- Plycamycin (Mithramycin)
Antitumor Antibiotics
- from Streptomyces spp.
- All interact with DNA and/or RNA, but may also interact with
other cellular substituents
- Schedule dependence
- LESS "phase-specific" than antimetabolites
- Tissue necrosis is only generalizable toxicity
- All IV except bleomycin
Major Examples
- Doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin)
- Daunorubicin
- Idarubicin
- Mitoxantrone
- Actually an Anthracenedione and lacks sugar moiety
Doxorubicin HCl (Adria...)
Clinical Indications
- Broad spectrum anti-cancer activity
- Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, sarcomas, acute,
leukemia, and breast, lung, and ovarian carcinomas all responsive
- Activity observed in
- bladder tumors, and carcinomas of prostate, thyroid, endometrium,
head and neck, and other solid tumors
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
- Drug has rigid, tetracyclic structure substituted with sugar
- daunosamine
- DNA topoisomerase II poison
- Inhibits this enzyme which is crucial to DNA replication and
- Traditional explanation of MOA
- intercalates between base pairs of DNA and inhibits DNA-dependend
RNA synthesis
- Generates free radicals that cause membrane damage and DNA
strand breaks
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
Clinical Pharmacology
- Half-lives: 1st - 10-30 min; 2nd - 1-3 h (major elimination);
3rd - 24-48 h
- Enters cells by passive transport
- Tissue distribution correlates with DNA
- Highest: lung, liver, spleen, kidney, heart, small intestine,
bone marrow
- Not cross blood-brain barrier
- Hepatic biotransformation and biliary excretion most important
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
- Alterations in Topoisomerase II act.
- Relative importance not established
- Increased inactivation of radicals
- Increase in glutathione-dependent enzymes, e.g., glutathione-peroxidase
- Altered NADPH contents
- Increase drug efflux
- MDR -- P-glycoprotein (gP-170) pump product of mdr
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
Toxicity Overview
- Local toxicities
- Acute toxicities
- Chronic toxicity
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
Local Toxicity -- Extravasation
- Extravasation -- DON'T!
- Severe local tissue necrosis to point of damaging underlying
- If occurs, treat immediately
- Remove blood from IV line
- Apply ice, steroid cream
- Locally adm. sodium bicarbonate and hydrocortisone
- DHM3 (investigational) shows promise
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
Local Toxicity -- Radiation Recall
- Interaction of doxorubicin and radiation in some tissues to
produce enhanced reactions
- Reactions include
- Skin: intensity from erhthema to ulceration and necrosis
- Pulmonary: fibrosis and sloughing of esophageal mucosa
- Heart, and intestinal mucosa may also be affected
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
Acute Toxicities
- Hematologic:
- Leukopenia with nadir 7-10 days; recovery typically by 21
- Thrombocytopenia and anemia less common
- If give too fast
- "Histamine-release" syndrome
- Cardiac arrest preceded by ECG changes
Doxorubicin (Adria...)
Chronic Toxicities
- Cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure
- require cessation of Rx after cumulative dose of 550 to 600
- Must maintain record of total dose
- To Reduce incidence
- Dexrazoxane (ZinecardR) Chelating agent for reducing incidence
and severity of cardiomyopathy from Doxorubicin.
- Chelating agent --
- Derivative of EDTA that cross cell membranes
- May be converted intracellularly to "ring-opened"
chelating agent that interferes with iron-mediated free radical
- Start after have reached 300 mg/m2
- Not use concurrently with initiation of FU, Doxo, Cyclophosphamide
- Anthracenedione, but no sugar
- MOA similar to anthracyclines except
- Less radical formation and less cardiac toxicity
- Binds to and inhibits topoisomerase II producing single and
double-strand breakages of DNA
- Intercalates preferentially G-C base pairs
- Activity in breast cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemias, and
- Streptomyces verticillus produced mixture of small-molecular-weight
copper-chelating glycopeptides
- To be active, must have Fe2+ replace Cu
- Has antitumor, antiviral, and antibacterial action
Clinical Indications
- Broad range of squamous cell carcnomas, including --
- head and neck cancer
- tumors of cervix, esophagus, skin, vulva, and lung
- Established against
- germ cell testicular cancer
- Hodgkin's disease, and non-Hodgkins L.
- Many combo Rx due to lack of bone marrow toxicity
- DNA toxicity
- binds to double- and single-stranded DNA
- produces site-specific and non-specific single- and double-strand
chain breaks
- ratio single:double = 10:1
- Cleaved at G-C and G-T sequences
- DNA in open chromatin esp. sensitive
- Non-covalent interstrand links
- Inhib repair enzyme: DNA ligase
- Cell-cycle specific: most G2
Clinical Pharmacology
- Given SC, IM, IV, Intra-cavitary.
- Biotransformed by bleomycin hydrolase
- Aminopeptidase B-like enzyme most of body except skin and
- Widely distrubted throughout body, but not CNS
- Eliminated primarily in urine (40-70%)
- Severe renal dysfunction may cause toxicity
Toxicity is UNIQUE-- no BM or GI
- Degraded by bleomycin hydrolase present most tissues
except skin and lung NOTE error on notes
- Pulmonary fibrosis is dose limiting in approximately 10%
- Skin
- desquamation, hyperpigmentation, and pruritic erythema
Miscellaneous Drugs
- Asparaginase
- Mitotane (o,p'-DDD; Lysodren)
- Anti-Estrogen (Tamoxifen citrate)
- Corticosteroid (Prednisone)
L-Asparaginase (Elspar)
L-asparagine amidohydrolase
- Hydrolyzes asparagine to aspartic and ammonia
- L-asparagine synthetase low in many malignant cells and must
scavenge ASP from ECF
L-Asparaginase (Elspar)
Clinical Indications
- Very narrow spectrum
- Almost exclusively used to treat
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Used in combination with vincristine and prednisone
- May be useful in other T-cell or null-cell leukemias and lymphomas
- NOT effective for solid tumors
L-Asparaginase (Elspar)
- Major problem: Antigenicity of enzyme -- allergic reactions
- experimenting with lipsomes and other means of delivery to
decrease this
- Inhibition of protein synthesis
- Coagulation defect
- decreased clotting factors
- Hepatotoxicity -- fatty metamorphosis
- Anorexia, nausea, vomiting
- Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex)
- Estrogen dependent disseminated mammary gland cancer
- Mild bone marrow suppression (anemia, leukopenia, anemia)
- Tumor rash
- Tumor pain
- Prednisone
- Clinical indications
- Lymphoreticular neoplasms, brain tumors
- Secondary complications of cancer -- mood elevation, stimulate
appetite, decrease reaction to dying cells
- Toxicity
- Iatrogenic adrenal hypocorticism
- Gastric ulcer, osteoporosis, increased susceptibility to infection
- Polydipsia and polyuria
| Drug Groups |
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Gordon L. Coppoc, DVM, PhD
Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology
Head, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1246
Tel: 317-494-8633Fax: 317-494-0781
Last modified
12:23 PM on 4/22/96