None described for animals by Theodorides 1985
vm: YOMESAN -- largely abandoned in US vm.
CESTODES in dogs and cats
intestinal atony
acute diarrhea
Chalky feces
Overnight fast recommended
Dead tapeworms eliminated in stool within 6 to 48 hr.
Can use safely in young puppies/kittens and in pregnant animals
Relatively safe and efficacious
Not always satisfactory against Dipylidium
Common CESTODES, including Echinococcus
Hepatic or Cardiac disease
Severely debilitated animals
Male breeding dogs -- not within 28 days of breeding
Highly excitable animals
Concurrent use of BUTAMISOLE [STYQUIN]
Emesis and Diarrhea
Depression (up to 36 hours)
Irritation of mucous membranes of conjunctiva
Transient mild effect on spermatogenesis (?)
Mild transient changes in ECG at excessive doses
Sudden death
Fasting 3 hr before and after treatment
Safe during pregnancy
Do not break tablets near eyes or crush in feed or liquid -- extreme irritation to mucous membranes
Fright or flight response and associated release of catecholamines may sensitize heart to bunamidine causing sudden death of animal upon injection.
For maximum efficacy vs Echinococcus give twice at 48-hr interval.
Adverse effects can be severe
Possibility of drug interaction
Must observe precautions or may have severe problem