- Important group
- Spectum - Gram(-) aerobes
- Narrow margin of safety
- Renal toxicity
- Ototoxicity
- Neuromuscular weakness
- Polycations -- Limited membrane transfer
- Streptomycin
- Amikacin
- Gentamicin
- Kanamycin
- Neomycin
- Tobramycin
- Netilmicin
- Apramycin (vet only)
Structure & Chemical Characteristics
- Aminosugars
- Glycosidic bonds -- hence name
- Weak bases
- polycations
- Two "bases"
- streptidine (streptomycin)
- 2-deoxystreptamine (most)
- Source
- Most -- Streptomyces spp.
- Gentmicin -- Micromonospora actinomyces
- Note spelling differences
- Subgrouping -- little practical value
Mechanism of action
- Cidal
- Bind strongly to 30S ribosomal subunit
- Inhibit initiation of protein synthesis
- Decrease fidelity of reading mRNA
- Faulty proteins
- Cidal effect (?)
- Most active on growing organisms
- Transport system crucial
- Oxygen dependent
- Missing in anaerobes
- Most organisms sensitive at ribosomal level
- Acquired resistance
- Plasmid borne
- Families of destructive enzymes
- phosphorylases
- acetylases
- adenyl transferases
- Targets blocked on some drugs
- Goodman & Gilman Figure 51-1, 7th ed, 1985
- Major emphasis of development
- Note: Amikacin
- No clear-cut pattern on grouping
- One aminoglycoside not predict others
- Extent of resistance
- Increases with increased use
- Decreases if stop use -- hospital experience
- One-step mutations -- Streptomycin
- Can occur rapidly
- Subunit S12, position 42 of ribosome
- Sensitive -- LYS
- Resistant -- ASPn
- Dependent -- GLUn
Membrane transfer
- Polycationic nature
- very water soluble
- poorly lipid soluble
- limited passive diffusion through membranes
- Ziv et al, IV infusions into cows
"Aminoglycosides" rough average of gentamicin, kanamycin,
and neomycin
Aminoglycoside Diffusion into Milk
Milk:Plasma Drug Concentration Ratio |
Drug |
Predicted ratio |
Actual ratio |
Aminoglycosides |
7 |
0.2-0.4 |
Tylosin |
5 |
1-5 |
- Carrier mediated transport -- pinocytosis into some cells
Other pharmacokinetics
- No slowly absorbed dose forms
- All given as water soluble "sulfate" salts
- Most IM or SC
- "STICK" to tissues at injection site
- PO for gastrointestinal tract action
- Broadly distributed in ECF
- Poor in CNS or eye
- Poor intracellular
- May cross placenta
- Relatively high concentrations in
- kidney, cochlea, vestibular apparatus
- Not therapeutically relevant
- Toxicity and Residue relevant
- Tissue half-lives >80 to 100 hours!
- How many half-lives to get to "action level"?
- Half-life -- 2 to 3 hr normally
- Feces if PO
- Glomerular filtration if systemic administration
More than 90%
- Concern for renal function
- Use creatinine clearance or other measure
- Narrow margin of safety
- Therapeutic drug monitoring
- Dosage adjustment schemes
- Priming dose not change
- Adjust
- Dose
- Interval -- probably best
- Both
- Examples -- Gentamicin in canine models
- Conc of gentamicin SHOULD --
- Drop below 2 mcg/mL
- Exceed 5 mcg/mL
- NOT exceed 12 mcg/mL
- Figures
Schemes for dosage adjustment assistance
- NOTE: BMS 445 - Do not print these images from computer lab, They are
large and you will be extremely frustrated! Go to the library to copy them.
- [pic] Graph
-- Effect of decreased renal elimination
- [pic] Graph
-- Effect of altering dose
- [pic] Graph
-- Effect of altering interval
- [pic]
Graph -- Effect of altering dose and interval
- [pic]
Nomogram for Aminoglycoside Dosage Adjustment
Target concentrations
Drug Therapeutic Maximum Peak Maximum Trough
Concentration Concentration Concentration
(mcg/mL) (mcg/mL) (mcg/mL)
Amikacin 15-25 35 5
Gentamicin 4-10 10 2
Kanamycin 15-30 30-35 5
Netilmicin 6-12 16 2
Streptomycin -- 20-25* --
Tobramycin 4-10 10 2
* In patients with renal damage. Peak concentrations greater than 50 mcg
per mL are associated with increased risk of toxicity. [USPDI95,71]
Adverse effects
- Dose related!!!!
- Concentration x Time dependence
- proximal tubular cell damage
- Destruction of sensory cells in cochlea
- Destruction of sensory cells in vestibular apparatus
- Neuromuscular paralysis
- Toxicity WILL occur
- May not see clinically
- Limit use if no therapeutic monitoring
- Maximum 5 days ??
- Concentration must drop below 2 mcg/mL each interval
- Proximal tubular cell
- Enter by pinocytosis
- Rate limited
- May be best to have VERY high conc less often
- Cell cannot handle drug
- Drug accumulates in vesicles
- Cytosegresomes
- Must monitor renal function if long use
- proteinuria
- casts
- specific enzymes
Ototoxicity: cochlear and vestibular apparatus
- loss of hearing, vertigo, ataxia, loss of balance
- Concentration / Time dependent (AUC)
- Progressive damage to sensory cells
- No regeneration of lost cells
- All aminoglycosides
- Short term Rx humans -- 1-3% morbidity
- Vestibular toxicity -- especially gentamicin
- Cochlear toxicity -- especially kanamycin, amikacin, neomycin
- ALL affect both, however!!
Neuromuscular paralysis
- Inhibit Ca++ into nerve on depolarization
- required for exocytotic ACh release
- Ca++ injections can improve release
- Weakness at doses on top end of range if any renal problem
- Respiratory paralysis if use for lavage of peritoneal or pleural cavity!
- Story of Purdue dog -- AG - po + IM
Clincal use
- Routes
- Topically
- Orally (Local GI action)
- e.g., newborn pigs - diarrhea
- Nebulization for respiratory infections [USPDI94].
- amikacin
- gentamicin
- tobramycin
- Serious UTI
- Systemic
- Septicemias caused by aerobic gram-negative organisms
- Newer beta-lactams have decreased use, but still mainstays
- MICs
- gentamicin & tobramycin -- 4-8 mcg/mL
- kanamycin & amikacin -- 8-16 mcg/mL
Less toxic than gent & tob.
- Alkalinization of urine
- Streptomycin 20-30 times more active at pH 8 than 5.8 (BM6th,1988.
- Spectrum
- Pasteurella, Brucella, Hemophilus, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Shigella
- Mycobacterium spp. (some aminoglycosides).
- Synergy with beta-lactams
- Infections commonly indicated
- biliary tract infections, bone and joint infections, central nervous
system infections (including meningitis and ventriculitis), intra-abdominal
infections (including peritonitis), pneumonia (gram-negative), septicemia,
skin and soft tissue infections (including burn wound infections), and
urinary tract infections (complicated, recurring). Streptomycin is used
for the treatment of brucellosis, granuloma inguinale, plague, tuberculosis,
and tularemia. [USPDI94]
- dogs, primary topical application is for otitis externa. Must be sure
ear drum is intact. If ruptured, direct access to middle ear produces ototoxicity.
- Apramycin, used in veterinary medicine only, is contraindicated in
cats. [Brander5th,1991]
- Minly indicated for reatment of colibacillosis and salmonellosis in
calves and pigs. Can be used p.o. or parenterally. [Brander5th,1991]
- J. NeuroSci. 8(9):3354, 1988. Aminoglycosides on synaptosomes. Decrease
voltage dependent calcium entry.
- GG7th, 1985. Chapter 51
- BM5th, 1988
- Brander5th, 1991: Chapter 26 in Brander, G.C., D.M. Pugh, R.J. Bywater,
& W.L. Jenkins. Veterinary Applied Pharmacology & Therapeutics.,
Bailliere Tindall, London, 5th edition, 1991.
- USPDI94; USPDI95: United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information, USPC,
12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852 (published annually with monthly
- Godber, L.M., Walker, R.D., Stein, G.E., Hauptman, J.G., and Derksen,
F.J.: 1995. Pharmacokinetics, nephrotoxicosis, and in vitro antibacterial
activity associated with single versus multiple (three times) daily gentamicin
treatments in horses. Am. J. Vet. Res. 56(5):613-618. important new
concepts in this paper for both medical and veterinary students. Good references,
too. Also, other papers in notebook that should be added. 5/31/95.
Study Questions
- Examine the structures of the aminoglycosides and predict the ease
with which they cross membranes by passive diffusion. What does this imply
about concentrations achievable inside of cells, in mammary gland milk
cisterns, systemic circulation after oral administration, etc.?
- Given that the major route of elimination of aminoglycosides from systemic
circulation is by glomerular filtration and knowledge of the membrane transfer
of these drugs, what is the difference in their route of elimination when
administered orally versus parenterally?
- Why are aminoglycosides among the main drugs for which therapeutic
drug monitoring is used?
- Are the aminoglycosides effective in treating CNS infections when given
- What is the general antibacterial spectrum of the aminoglycosides?
Are they active against anaerobes? Why or why not?
- How does the concentration of aminoglycosides required for antibacterial
activity compare to the concentration associated with toxicity? Compare
this range in general terms (e.g. much narrower, the same, larger) to that
which can be used clinically with penicillin G?
- What is the mechanism of action of the aminoglycosides? Understand
how irreversible inhibition of protein synthesis and decreased fidelity
of synthesis which results in insertion of faulty proteins in cell membranes
might result in the aminoglycosides being cidal. Note that the cidal effect
may be due to the extremely tight binding of aminoglycosides to the 30S
ribosomal subunit so that once inhbited, reversal is unlikely.
- Which of the biochemical mechanisms is responsible for the acquired
R-factor related (plasmid borne) bacterial resistance to aminoglycoside
- Name the three major enzyme classes that inactivate the aminoglycosides.
- How do the various aminoglycosides compare in susceptibility to different
isozymes of these three classes of enzymes?
- What uniqueness does amikacin currently hold with respect to its susceptibility
to these enzymes? What is the relevance of these differences in selecting
an aminoglycoside for therapy? If an organism is resistant to one aminoglycoside
is it necessarily resistant to another, i.e., can you use one aminoglycoside
to predict the activity of another?
- What are the 4 major side effects (3 main classes) of the aminoglycosides?
(hint: counting 2 side effects under ototoxicity) Is there any doubt that
the aminoglycosides can cause the side effects for which they are well
known? How does the concept of Area Under the Concentration x Time curve
apply here?
- Why is neomycin not used systemically? Note that there are no approved
parenteral, systemic dose forms for neomycin.
- You should be able to interpret the nomogram [in lecture notes] for
adjustment of gentamicin dosage in the presence of compromised renal function.
This is just an example of the many such nomograms available, some simpler
and many more complicated, for adjusting aminoglycoside dosage.
- Aminocyclitol (related to aminoglycosides structurally)
- Source: Streptomyces spectabilis
- Protein synthesis inhibitor
- Not cidal
- No misreading of mRNA
- Resistance develops rapidly
- Adverse effects
- Low toxicity
- NO nephrotoxicity
- NO ototoxcity
- See other sources for additional effects
- Uses
- Gram negative bacteria
- FDA approved human med -- Penicillin resistant Neisseria gonococcus
- IM humans
- Feed-based preparations for animals.
- pneumonias - swine
- broad spectrum G(+ / -) infections
- coliform diarrheas - piglets
- Drinking water -- turkeys
| Drug Groups
| | top |
Gordon L. Coppoc, DVM, PhD
Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology
Head, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1246
Tel: 317-494-8633Fax: 317-494-0781
Last modified
1:49 PM on 4/12/96