RE: Activation of neutrophils
Dan Smith (DJS@ALLP.COM)
Thu, 16 May 96 15:44:00 PDT
PMA 0.2ug/ml final concentration) works very well in our hands to induce
PMNs to produce superoxide.
{From: owner-cyto-sendout
{To: Cytometry Mailing List
{Subject: Activation of neutrophils
{Date: Friday, May 10, 1996 11:09AM
{Hi Everybody,
{Somebody in my group is looking at MPO in neutrophils and needs to
{activate these neutrophils. He had some information on chemicals which
{would activate them but no luck sofar.
{Does anyone know any chemical procedures to activate neutrophils,
{either in oxygenated or deoxygenated situation?
{Thanks in advance.
{Robbert van Leeuwen
{Applied Optics / Flowcytometry Group University of Twente The
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