Cytometry and Related Servers Worldwide
USA - East
- Division of Cellular
& Gene Therapy, CBER FDA, (Flow Cytometry Consortium WWW NIH) [Gerald Marti]
- Dana
Farber Cancer Institute Flow Cytometry Facility, [Peter Lopez]
- Flow Cytometry
at Albert Einstein College, New York, [Dave Gebhard]
- Flow Cytometry at Yale University [Rocco Carbone]
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst [Eric Martz]
- Flow
Cytometry at Dartmouth, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, [Marc Langweiler]
- Flow
Cytometry at Dartmouth, Englert Cell Analysis Facility, [Alice Givan]
- NIH image groups
- Roswell Park Lab. of Flow Cytometry, [Carleton Stewart]
- Mount Sinai, [S.Arkin & J.Wedwood]
- Duke University,
- Cornell University, [Jim Slattery]
- Cooper Hospital / UMC (New Jersey) [Phil McCoy - Roy Overton ]
- EOHSI-CINJ -Rutgers [Ed Yurkow & Debra Laskin]
- University of Georgia [Steve Hilliard]
- Johns Hopkins Flow Cytometry Lab [Mark Soloski]
- MIT [Glenn Paradis]
- J.J. MacIsaac Facility [Michael Sieracki and Terry Cucci] Web page on this CD
- Maine Medical Center, Portland [Ken Ault]
- Univ. Pittsburg [Steven Swerdlow]
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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL