Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zytometrie
Newsletters 1996
Summer 1996
July 1996
9th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium of the DGZ (1996)
The 9th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium will take place in the Commmunication
Center of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. The
registration fee will be 50DM.
Reminder !
The deadline for oral and poster presentations is Jul.30, 1996. Please submit
the abstracts in German and in English. Format: DINA4 with 3cm border
on either side, text with 1.5line distance: Heading - Authors - Institution - Text.
The German abstract version will be printed in the abstract book. The
abstract book will be citable because it will carry an international
standardized book number (ISBN). The English abstract version
will be displayed on the DGZ www-node.
The address of the conference secretariat is:
Zytometrie Symposium 1996
F&S 0112 - 11
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg
General Membership Assembly
The invitation for the General Membership Assembly 1996 will be distributed
by separate mail. Topics or motions for the agenda should be shortly sent to
the DGZ president.
We ask the membership to actively participate in the General Membership Assembly.
There will be a substantial number of elections (officers and council).
Membership Dues
The mechanism for the collection of the membership fees for 1996 will
be altered (see also vote of the General Membership Assembly 1995):
- The members will receive automatically a certificate for payed dues. This
certificate is only valid in conjunction with the payment notice
of the bank.
- Members who have prepaid their 1996 dues will receive the old DGZ payment
- We will try again the automated dues collection through the: Deutsche Postbank.
New DGZ logo
We are still solliciting new proposals for the selection of the new DGZ
logo. There were quite a number of spontaneous proposals at the last meeting.
Although no decision was made some of them contained quite good ideas but
need further elaboration.
The important requirements for the logo are:
- good graphical impact
- no confusion with the German Cytology and Cell Biology Societies logo,
because these societies equally abbreviate as: DGZ
- visibility of the optical principles of cytometry
- clear reading and color appearence on diminution.
2nd Munich DGZ Cytometry Course
The AG Zytometrie of the GSF Munich directed by Michael Nüsse
has successfully completed between June 10 and 13 the 2nd Cytometry Course
of the DGZ. The participants had the opportunity to learn a variety of methods
and to get familiar with quite a number of different flow cytometers, cell
sorters and image analysis microscopes. The efforts of the lecturers were
rewarded by satisfied participants. We hope that this course can be
successfully repeated next year because a new organizing team is searched
for the next course.
Collaborative Efforts
The 7th Workshop Flow Cytometry will take place between Sept.11 and 13, 1996
at the University Club of the: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
in Bonn. The thematic focuses of this year's meeting will be: Allergology,
Tumorbiology, Methodology, Infection Immunology, and FACS-casuistics. Abstracts
and Registration are demanded until April 30, 1996. The contact address
Dr.Ingrid Böhm and Petra Schwarz
D-53105 Bonn
Tel: +49/228/287-5549
Fax: +49/228/287-4333
Telephone during the Workshop: +49/228/72960
The postponed 3rd Congress for Flow Cytometry and Cytophotometry in Oncology
will take place between April 25 and 26, 1997 in Graz, Austria. The contact
address is:
Geb.-Gyn.Univ.Klinik Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 14
A-8036 Graz
Tel: +43/316/385-3159
Fax: +43/316/385-2477
The newly created Klaus-Goerttler-Preis is announced this year for
the first time. The price will be awarded on a yearly basis with 1.000DM
for the outstanding work of a young scientist within the last two years.
Especially dissertations or publications using innovative cytometric
methods will be rewarded.
Applications or proposals can be directed to the DGZ president until
Aug.15, 1996. The awarded manuscript will be presented at the 9th
Heidelberger Zytometrie Symposium in form of a scientific talk.
Travel Stipends
I remind the membership of the 2nd application deadline for this year's
travel stipends which will be July 31, 1996. The stipends are 1.000DM
for cytometry related events outside DGZ activities. The next
application deadline will be Jan.31, 1997.
Further Meetings and Courses
19th Annual Meeting and Workshop 1996, Sept.2/3, 1996 in Brisbane
AFCG Secretary: Grace Chojnowski
Herston Rd
Herston 4029 QLD
Tel: +61/7/3362-0314
Fax: +61/7/3362-0107
AFCG Treasurer: Greg Bryson
Immunology Department
Royal Brisbane Hospital
Herston 4029 QLD
Tel: +61/7/3253-8046
Fax: +61/7/3252-1324
3rd AFC Congress in Halle aux Toiles (Rouen) between Oct.15 to 18, 1996.
Topics: Hematology, Oncology, Analytical Cytology, Cell Cycle Analysis,
Cell Proliferation
Contact Address: Association Francaise de Cytometrie
P.O.Box 5
F-34830 Jacou
Tel/Fax: +33/67/022734
Internet and E-mail addresses
The following addresses can be reached either via the Martinsried Cytorelay
Internet node:
or directly:
Purdue E-mail box for messages of general interest:
The contents of this mailbox are daily updated on the Internet. They can be
accessed either directly as:
or usually faster by the Martinsried mirror:
The DGZ E-mail box for messages of genertal interest is accessed as:
Other addresses for the direct international access in the Internet are:
Purdue University node:
ISAC (Int.Soc.Anal.Cytology) node mirror:
DGZ node:
ESACP (European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology) node:
with best regards
Andreas Radbruch
(DGZ president)
Tel: +49/221/470-3419
Fax: +49/221/470-4970
Questions and comments to:
G.K.Valet, E-mail:,
Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie,
Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany,
Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563,
INTERNET address:
Last Update: Aug.28, 1996
CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web