All are invited to attend this meeting which will have a comprehensive program
of tutorials, workshops and symposia on cytometry related subjects.
Dr. Sansonetty can be contacted by Phone on 351-2-49 05 91 and
by FAX on 351-2-410 39 40
His address is:
Laboratorio deCitometria IPATIMUP
Laboratoria de Anatomia Patologica
Hospital de S.Joao
4200 Porto, Portugal
Late registration will be accepted at the meeting.
About Porto: The weather in Porto is temperate. Average temperature is 12 degC
(Bring a raincoat adn umbrella tho!!)
All meetings are informal; I have detailed information if anyone would like
details and you can also contact Filipe Sansonette directly.
Paul Robinson
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories