reply to Salmon
Wed, 18 Aug 93 15:55:44 EDT
Biomedical Engineer, BCC
Phone: (502)588-7191
I think your problem is that they dye is leaving your cells to get to an equili
brium point with the system. When I was using PI-DNA analysis on a regular bas
is, i found that the G0/G1 peak would drift right as the samplestarted running.
What you may be experiencing is this same thing, however it is taking longer si
nc you are using a different dye. The 7AD might just bind more tightly to the
DNA and it takes longer for the eq point to be reached.
My two cents,
Avoid the Darkside, Use OS/2 2.1
These are my opinions, get your own. If I wanted your opinion
I would squeeze one out of your computer.
CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
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