Mike Lance (
Wed, 16 Jun 1993 18:33:23 PST

Subject: Time:6:11 PM

In reply to Nick Viner's recent message, I have one specific clarification.

"Verity have a package called WHPPC which provides both the board and
software for $895, although we could get the board alone for less and use
software provided by BD, I understand."

BD does not have any software for the IEEE-488 solutions. The original
"HPPCLink" software written here was never brought to market and now resides
in the archives at CMU as a non-supported shareware program. That software
was designed for Pascal version 3.1 based systems. We provided the source
code to Verity Software House to update the program, and they have revised
the Pascal portion of the code to work with Pascal 3.2 systems, and wrote a
program on the PC side that runs under Microsoft Windows. The transfer
software requires both the HP and PC programs, along with an IEEE-488 board
and cable. The above quote from Nick is fine but the software need come
from either the CMU library or Verity.

As for Verity's WHPPC product, I have recieved no negative feedback from
customers who are using it and they seem very happy with it as a low cost
solution for connecting a single PC to an HP.

Mike Lance
Becton Dickinson

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