Cytometrist Position Wanted

Karen Wolcott (
Wed, 24 Jul 96 8:30:55 EDT

Flow Cytometrist with 12 years of flow cytometry experience desires research
position in the Baltimore - Washington area.

Experience includes;
Flow Cytometry Laboratory Manager
Designs protocols for cell surface and intracellular staining of
animal and human samples
Staining, acquisition and analysis of samples for two, three, and
four color immunophenotyping
Rare event sorting (fetal nucleated RBC's from maternal blood)
Sorting for single cell PCR
Manages acquisition, storage and archival of flow cytometric data on
HP, PC, MicroVax and VAX computers

Instrumentation experience includes the following;
FACS 435 with Consort30 System
Coulter EPICS 753 with Dye Laser and MDADS System
FACStar Plus (Argon and HeNe Lasers) Consort40/VAX System
FACScan with Consort32 System
FACSprep with Consort32 System
Coulter EPICS XL with MS-DOS System
Coulter EPICS Profile II with Coulter EPICS Elite Software
FACStar Plus (ILT Laser) Consort 32 System
FACS Vantage (Enterprise and HeNe Lasers) Consort32 System

Available for position August 12, 1996. Please contact me directly for
additional information or resume.
Available for interview in Maryland July 29-30,1996
email: (Until July 26,1996)
Work Phone: (617)636-9122 (Until July 26,1996)
After July 26,1996 Leave message with Vincent Falco
Home Phone: (617)444-2632 (Until August 3,1996)

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL