Question on CPT Code Count for Flow Cytometry

William W. Ward, Ph.D., Wilford Hall Medical Center/PSLCI, (ward@WHMC-LAFB.AF.MIL)
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:49:52 -0500

I work in an Air Force medical center. Last October we switched to using CPT
codes for counting our workload in place of the CAP Workload Recording System.
My question is this: What is the unit of count? For those of you in the
billing business, do you count each clone, each tube, or each result? For
instance, if you were running a three-color experiment with CD3/CD4/CD8 and
reported results for CD3+/CD4+ and CD3+/CD8+, would this count as 3 (clones), 1
(tube), or 2 (results)?

Thanks for your help.

Bill Ward
Immunology & Molecular Diagnostics
Department of Pathology
Wilford Hall Medical Center

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