RE: CFM-NK and a question
Mon, 26 Jun 95 13:18:58 PST

Ross, there is an important article by John Bryant et al which
clarifies much of the confusion regarding the notion of a "Lytic
Unit". (Journal of Immunological Methods, 146(1992) 91-103.) This
method applies a Von Krogh's transformation to a dose-response model.
Our experience indicates that this is a more reliable method than
earlier methods, and is probably more "robust" with regard to
intrinsic noise inherent in this assay. Hope this helps.

Part II

Our lab has been inundated with opportunities for doing NK assays,
(perhaps secondary to a bumper crop of MD/PhD candidates). Are there
other labs 'out thar' able and willing to run these at or near cost,
(or even for free) ?? We'd like redirect some of these requests


Ric Thorpe
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Immunology Center
fax: (909) 478-4144
phone: (909) 824-4144

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