Apoptosis assays by flow?

Tom Sawyer (TSAWYER@gemini.mco.edu)
Tue, 19 Mar 1996 11:04:29 -0500 (EST)

We are interested in detecting the extent of apoptosis occurring in normal,
immortalized, and tumorigenic human bronchial epithelial cells in culture. We
would like to find a simple procedure for staining these cells for analysis by
flow cytometry. Also, we are interested in finding a reliable positive and
negative control. Our lab has no experience in this feild and we are exploring
the use of flow cytometry as an accurate and quantitative method for comparing
the extents of apoptosis occurring in the above mentioned cells. Any
assistance which you may provide will be most helpful. To reach me directly,
my e-mail address is "jdemuth@gemini.mco.edu" alternatively you can reply to
Tom Sawyer and he will pass the info on to me.

Jeff DeMuth
Research Assistant
Medical College of Ohio
Toledo, OH

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