Abdul Jabbar (
Thu, 22 Feb 1996 14:51:33 +0400
In our hospital, Dubai Hospital (UAE) we have not purchased a
flow cytometer yet because we have not decided yet whether to get the
Becton Dickenson FACS Calibur or the Coulter XL. Any opinions on that
subject? We are planning to use the machine for HIV studies as well as for
Cancer type differentiation and therefore treatment. Thank you very much.
Mariam Kazim
CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web