RE: Mozilla, clear my name
Tue, 20 Feb 1996 11:25:42 -0500

Ricardo and Ray (with apologies to everyone else),

I was quite suprised the other day while surfing the net with a freshly
installed Netscape 2.0 for Macintosh, when I logged into an ftp site and
got a response similar to "user MOZILLA logged in". I checked all my
preferences and could not find a "mozilla" anywhere. I tried logging
into another ftp site, and was greeted with the same response. It appears
that Netscape uses Mozilla as it's anonymous ftp password (perhaps that's
the name of the little green lizard that is so prominent on the Netscape
web pages).

And so I would guess that the "Mozilla" that is having problems
communicating with Ray is just another Netscape user, and that Ricardo
might want to get that little green lizard to admit its hand (paw?) in
this little mystery. :)

/\/\/\_ Eric Van Buren,
\ \ \ Immunology & Microbiology, Wayne State University
\_^_/ and the Karmanos Cancer Institute

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