Cellquest and PowerMac...SUMMARY + Thanks

Matthias Haury (mhaury@pasteur.fr)
Wed, 10 May 1995 11:32:28 +0200

Hello everybody,

thanks again to all those who replied to my questions about running
Cellquest on a PowerMac 7100..

Here is the summary:

Cellquest 1.0 runs fine on the Powermac (7100/>16Mb RAM + 8100/>16Mb RAM)
with System 7.1.2, however with System 7.5 several people reported
crashes... apparently because Cellquest 1.0 is having problems with 7.5,
some say that after using the System 7.5 Update, the problems dissappeared.
BDIS has announced a new version soon which should fix the problem.

Attractors also runs on the above systems, although considerably slower
than on a 68040 (you have to install the non-FPU version, as it doesn't
recognize the Software FPU on the PowerMac). It needs also lot's of memory
assigned otherwise it crashes....

Concerning the LC 630 Cellquest 1.0 runs even without FPU with acceptable
speed, Attractors as well, both with System 7.1, with System 7.5 apparently
it won't run on some peoples machines, but we have tried it with the
minimal 7.5 System (no Powertalk, etc..), and it worked fine...

For storage - the evolving standard on the Macs seems to be the FUJI 230 Mb
Magneto-Optical drive, once for it's price and also for speed (the fastest
of the 230 Mb available), however seems that speed on the drive is not a
real problem for Cellquest, as it seems to load files only once, and does
everything else in the RAM (??)...

That's more or less the summary, I'm very grateful to everybody who told me
about their experience, I finally decided to buy the LC 630, because it's
the fastest and cheapest Mac available to run Cellquest and Attractors...
and as BDIS is not going native for at least one - two years (according to
BDIS France), there is no point to buy a PowerMac yet... and you can always

If anyone needs more detailed info's.. contact me directly...



Matthias Haury _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
Flowcytometry _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
Department of Immunology _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
Institut Pasteur _/ _/ _/
25 rue du Dr. Roux _/_/_/ _/ _/
Tel: 33 1 45 68 85 38
Tel: 33 1 40 61 31 29
Fax: 33 1 45 68 86 39
Email: mhaury@pasteur.fr

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