mess and clutter

MK (
Sat, 01 Apr 95 15:17:21 +0300

Hi everybody,
This is not meant as a 1st of April joke:
Yesterday a request was posted on this list by Ray Hicks, asking for
references on Fugu and ending with the following remark:
"please reply directly to me"...(two E-mail adresses follow) "rather than
the list to avoid mess and clutter"...
That is, of course, Ray Hicks' privilege. However I (and I think many other
subscribers to this list will agree on this issue) am of the opinion that
as a matter of courtesy to the list members the reply should be sent TO
THE LIST. After all it is this "mess and clutter" that makes it possible
for so many of us to do exactly what Ray has done, i.e. get hold of a
piece of information from the past, should we need it.
I therefore urge users to reply to such requests THROUGH THE LIST.

Cell Biology, WIS.
Rehovot, Israel.

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