>> Since they are written both in C and assembler, both Windows 95 and WARP are
substandard products based on obsolete technology. If you do use Warp, get GN
AT Ada 95 and Fresco and become operating system independant. The proper bindin
g is POSIX. <<<
Hi Bob, I see you are still carrying a torch for ADA. you know, a while back
I felt like I was the only OS/2 user(in some of the forums on CIS I frequented)
, and here to some extent. Except now, I KNOW I have lots of compatriots. Wha
t do I care about being OS, independant?? I know that the programs I need to r
un, RUN, and I have the tools with which to write new ones if necessary. I'm u
sing an OS/2 machine to type this on, I'm connected to a network with an NT ser
ver(it was cheap), and I can communicate with the folks in the building using W
indoze for Workgroups. BTW, the lines I quoted from you above, where marked/co
pied and then inserted into this message, using OS/2 Kermit. I could just as e
asily sent the message to you on CIS(if I had my CIS navigator at work)
by simply pasting the quote into it. To put it in more simple terms, Why on ea
rth would I want to spend more $$$(we don't have), I can't imagine ADA, etc. be
ing free. and futzing around learning a new operating system. when this ancien
t technology works so well. BTW, having seen chicago/Win9? I do have to agree
with you it is substandard<G>. however OS/2 v3.0 is quite stable and very fun
regards chris
Avoid the Darkside, Use OS/2 2.1
You'll never use a kludgy gui on top of an interupt handler
again. That's windoze/dos in case you don't know.