Re: HP to PC transfer

Ramon J. Hontanon (
Tue, 17 May 1994 14:07:32 -0400

> Bjarne,

> Oswego Software (Oswego, Ilinois, USA) markets a product
> hat allows a PC to read and write on HP formatted floppies.
> Kevin Becker at Phoenix Flow could offer more information on
> this product and its applications. I have taken a more direct
> route and have networked my PC to the HP (as well as a number
> f other computers) through the use of a product called PC/TCP
> marketed by FTP Software in North Andover, Mass., USA (Phone
> number is 508-685-3300). It offers many of the features of the
> TCP/IP protocol and allows me access to the internet from my PC
> as well as the capacity to transfer data to and from any other
> computer on my network that has the TCP/IP capability. (Do keep
> in mind that this requires FACSNet or something similar on HP) The
> software is reasonably priced (about $400 US) and supports a
> variety of network cards (we use the Etherlink II from 3COM,
> about $150 US). I mainly make use of the FTP features for data
> transfer and have been very happy with this setup. I can offer
> more details if anyone is interested. Please contact me directly
> ( and in the event of sufficient interest I can
> post to the network.

> Keith

[sig deleted]

PC/TCP is a good commercial product, but also includes a lot of features
(NFS, lpd, etc.) that aren't of interest to 99% of users.
If you are interested in a good shareware implementation of TCP/IP,
with full support of Windows 3.1 using the WINSOCK model, check out
QVT/net and the Trumpet Winsock.

At last check, the total cost of this approach is $70 ($40 for QVT/net,
$30 for Trumpet Winsock). As shareware, the user can download and
test the software for a reasonable period of time, and if satisfied,
he/she registers by sending the fee to the authors. Registration usually
entitles the user to a full set of printed manuals and periodic updates.

QVT/net provides a host of TCP/IP applications including a Telnet
client (VT220 emulation), an FTP client/server, a POP3 (mail) client
and a USENET news reader. We have tested this software here at CBER
and it works great. Also, Trumpet's Winsock can be used to support
other public domain/shareware applications such as GopherBook, and
NCSA Mosaic.

Feel free to contact me on the availability of these packages, or
for more information in general.

(just a satisfied customer, no endorsement is implied)

best regards,


                         Ramon J. Hontanon                   
         CBER FDA (NIH), 8800 Rockville Pk. Bethesda, MD 20892           
Internet:     packet TCP/IP:
                          (301) 496 0718

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